Rimuru's Adopted Daughter. (Part 3)

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Shizu's Pov

I am Shizu, just Shizu.

when I was just a baby 

my parents abandoned me                                                                                         

in an orphanage.                                                                                                                                                                   

my parents were bad

and so was the orphanage.

The Dean and the Teachers there would

always hit and abused us.

They would make us work every day,

starve us till our stomach hurts and vomits.

So I decided to run away there

and would find a way to save the others who

were also abused together with me.

I did everything to survive and find a place

for us to stay.

I would steal and hide 

and gathered all kinds of information.

until one day I overheard that there was a place

with Humans and monsters living together

in harmony.

they said it was a peaceful place with no crime

or criminals.

So I decided to check it out, 

and when I got there it was all true.

it was a clean, peaceful, and beautiful place no...

it was a paradise.

I wanted to tell my friends at the orphanage

to run away with me and live here.

but I got hungry so I stole some food.

and it became my error,

the owner noticed me and alerted the guards.

I thought I was gonna get caught and go to prison,

until I encountered him.

he caught me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt,

but he was gentle with me and calm even though 

I was hurting him.

and when the guards caught up,

he told them to spare me and they did.

I was amazed by him.

I asked him who he was, he then told me that 

he was the boss around here.

and so 

I was even more amazed.

he then bought me a lot of yummy food.

and asked me my name.

so I told him. 

he then made a weird reaction but I ignored it.

I still don't know his name,

but I still ate the food he gave me since it was yummy.

I then fell asleep,

I know I shouldn't fall asleep on a stranger but

I feel that I'm safe and sound around him.


[A day later]

Shizu then woke up.

and then remembered that she actually has

something to do, it was to save all her friends.

She then noticed that she was on a soft and comfy bed

and a room that was so extravagant.

'wait, where am I?'

she thought and then a butler came into her room.

"You're finally awake, I was tasked to escort you to the kitchen immediately if you were to wake up."

"So would you please follow me?"

The butler said and it made Shizu confused and tilted her head in confusion.

"Ohh... I forgot to introduce myself."

"Hello there, young miss. I am Diablo the butler of this castle and a fateful servant of Rimuru-sama."

"Where is Mister?"

"Huh?... Ohh, you mean Rimuru-sama? he is at the kitchen waiting for your arrival."

"Now then, young miss. Let me escort you there."

Diablo bowed slightly and pointer his hands

at the door.

they then arrived at the kitchen.

and at the dinner table, 

there was a Rimuru eating.

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