A bad mood Rimuru

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here we can see a loyal butler who is about to wake his master up.

he has a bright smile on his face.

he knocked on the door three times.

"Rimuru-sama it's morning now."

he got no answer.

he knocked on the door again.

"Hello? Rimuru-sama it's time to wake up now."

he still got no answer.

so he began to worry.

'Weird... Rimuru-sama would always immediately reply when I woke him up. Could it be Rimuru-sama is not okay in there?'

with his master not responding he began to think of many possible outcomes like his master might be dying right now.

but it was just his overthinking.

"Rimuru-sama, I'm coming in."

he opened the door and saw a magnificent view of his master sleeping peacefully.

but was waked up by his sudden outburst.

"Rimuru-sama!! Thank goodness you're okay, and here I thought you were dead because you were not answering me when I called you--BLAH-BLAH"

"So loud!! Can't you just shut up?!"

Diablo fell to the ground and was now quiet with a heart that was about to be shattered.

then a certain purple-haired woman came with a loud entrance.

"Good morning!! Rimuru-sa~~"

"Shut up!!"

she was also met with the same fate as Diablo.

the two were now lying on the ground.

Shuna's Pov

'Why is Rimuru-sama still not here? the food will get cold.'

I tilted my head in confusion.

'could it be Diablo didn't wake him up?'

I thought of a possibility.

'no no no it's impossible for diablo to not do his job as a butler.'

I shake my head denying that thought.

'Perhaps I should go see it myself'

I walked to the bedroom of my master.

and as soon as I got there, I saw a two-figure kneeling.

and a beautiful man who seems to be scolding them.

"Rimuru-sama, breakfast is ready now."

I called out to him.

but then he glared at me.

"Oh, it's you shuna."

"Is breakfast ready yet?"

'oh, it seems he didn't hear me and he's in a bad mood too. I should not get into my master's nerve, not like those two.'

"Yes, it's already there."

"Guide me then."


I then glanced at the two figures kneeling and didn't give a FUCK!!


Rimuru is now eating with disinterested and cold eyes and with Shuna serving him.

"Is the food to your liking?"

Rimuru glances at her.

"It's okay,"

he replied coldly.

and then Souei appeared out of nowhere.

he kneeled at the Rimuru who is eating.

"Rimuru-sama I have something urgent to report."

Rimuru glances at him with his cold and irritated eyes.

"What is it? Better make it fast, I'm eating here."

Souei was startled by his master's cold reply.

but still proceeded to report anyway.

"D-Demon lord 'Guy Crimson' called out a 'WALPURGIS'."

this irritated Rimuru.

"*Tch* and why did he call" out a 'WALPURGIS'??"

"Y-yes, according to the report there is a newly established human kingdom and the Ruler of it announced himself that he is a demon lord and wanted to have a seat in the Octagram."


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