Stronger Than Coffee

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After smacking the snooze button and rolling over, Elora's eyes were met with the glare of the sun peering through the open blinds. She groaned and sat up in her oversized king bed, her cat still asleep by her feet. "Finally... A day off!" She thought to herself before slamming her body back onto the bed.
It had been eight days since she had had a day off from her job at the new restaurant down the street. She had managed so far, but she knew if she wanted to do anything today she needed something. Something stronger than coffee; which she drank daily. Getting hungry, Elora stood up from her bed and got dressed. Looking into the mirror she approved of the look and grabbed her keys. To the grocery store she went!
Perusing the health aisles, she found a bottle of pills. 200 mg of caffeine per pill. Perfect! This was exactly what she needed, it'll definitely do more than coffee. After looking around for more she concluded that it must be the only bottle, she just hoped it wasn't expensive. Either way, she opened the bottle and swallowed two capsules. "Use now, buy later" she thought. Elora retrieved the rest of her weekly groceries and made her way to the checkout line.
It was rather busy for a Sunday morning, but thankfully the lines were moving fast. As she was two spaces from the front of the line he could feel a small tingle spread throughout her privates. Shifting and readjusting she had just figured the she hadn't moved around enough, but it didn't stop. It seemed that with each beep from the register in front of her... her privates tingled more and more until a tightness formed in her pants. "Nothing, it's nothing..." She told herself over and over before looking down.
She nearly choked as he looked down, seeing a softball sized bulge in her pants. The tingling didn't stop, her pants grew tighter as the bulge grew larger and larger. Before it could grow any more she quickly turned her hoodie to cover half of her crotch. She was still one spot away from the register when she began to sweat. At that moment she felt the absolute last thing he wanted to feel... She had already realized she'd grown a cock, but that cock began to rise in her pants, pressing against the zipper of the thin denim. Just from her bulge you could gather that she was HUNG, and she was only half hard. By now; fully panicked, she didn't know what to do. Her... cock twitched in her pants, growing once more as a low moan escaped her mouth. The bulge in her pants had shoved the hoodie aside revealing a tent in her jeans protruding seven inches in front of her, her testicles appearing as a large orange beneath her cock.

Her cock throbbed as she felt a rush of pleasure race through her body, the tip dripping with precum and soaking her light wash jeans. As she approched the front of the line she raced to fill the conveyer belt with her items. The urge to bury her new cock anywhere and everywhere was growing stronger. By now the cashier ws scanning her items, she scanned the bottle of pills and the system rang with an error messge. "Six dollars okay?" the cashier asked.

"Yeah," Elora breathed "t-that's mmph~ fine."

Elora was barely holding herself together as the cashier handed the bottle to her and began to rattle off his memorized spiel, wrapping up the transaction. "That'll be 27.88, Ma'am." The cashier announced as he turned the pay pad towards her.

Elora just nodded, sweat rolling down the back of her neck as she reached into her hoodie pocket for her wallet... But as she reached into her pocket she had made a fatal mistake. Her hand brushed against her hard cock through her hoodie pocket. Within seconds her cock tore through her pants, expanding rapidly! It flailed in the air before landing on top of the pay pad with a loud thud. There was nothing she could do to stop the stream of semen that had began to release itself all over the young employee.

Her cock was hungry, and it just wouldn't stop cumming. It had been thirty seconds and her cock was still spewing semen, everyone was too stunned to move including the poor cashier that was now covered in what was easily over a gallon of semen. All Elora could do was moan and buck her hips and she continued to orgasm after a full five minutes. Most everyone in the store had gone outside or back into the aisles... And the employee that had just spent the last five minutes being jizzed on had pressed his "help button" on the counter.

The blaring siren had brought Elora back to reality as she left her groceries and bolted towards the front door. Her massive cock had softened; swinging between her thighs as she sprinted to her car, caffeine pills in hand. She caught her breath before shakily driving home. Elora flung herself onto her bed and plugged her phone in, trying to process the events that had just taken place. Until she got a text... From her boyfriend.

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