Stronger Than Coffee #2

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"Hey babe, just got off work!" The text message read. Shit! It was already 3pm.

Elora sighed as she read the message over and over again, not knowing what to say to her boyfriend. He was supposed to take her out for dinner tonight! One in hand she couldn't let him find out what happened, but on the other hand she couldn't cancel in him again. He was going to find out sooner or later, Elora chose later.

There was absolutely no way she could fit her new cock in any of her pants so she settled for an above the knee skirt. You make out a bulge from the side, but it wasn't that noticable, right? She plastered a smile on her face and went to prepare for dinner.

***5:30 PM***

Elora had just finished taking her massive cock to her thigh when she heard a knock on her apartment door. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door allowing her boyfriend in. "You ready, honey?" He smiled as he stood in her door frame.

"Yeah! Of course!" Elora replied sheepishly, trying to mentally prepare herself.

The night had only just began but it already felt so long. As she sat in the passenger seat of her boyfriend's car she could feel her cock sweating against her legs, the tip rubbing against her knee-cap with each bump in the road. When they arrived Elora was in a hurry to get inside and distract herself with a nice dinner. How wrong she was to think that was possible... She still couldn't make sense of what had happened, much less how. How could she distract herself?

Their waitress had come to take their drinks, she yawned as she walked over. "What can I get you two to drink tonight?' she asked, clearly running on fumes.

Elora and her boyfriend had ordered their drinks when their waitress began apologizing for being so tired. "Don't worry about it!" Elora exclaimed, "Not to be pushy or anything, but I have some caffeine supplements if you need them."

The waitress smiled, thinking for a second before graciously accepting the offer. Elora reached into her purse and retrieved two capsules, handing them to the waitress. After a while they had gotten their drinks and ordered their food, but something was off. As their food was being served the waitress went pale. Before they knew it her blouse buttons began to pop, one by one. She sat the food down frozen out of fear.

Her breasts began to swell, the skin of her fleshy orbs pooling out if her top. Something else has gone wrong. As Elora sat in awe she could feel her cock hardening between her legs, the tape ripping as her cock pressed hard against the table. The waitresses breasts sprang free, her nipples hardening in the cold air. Elora had checked out of her thoughts long enough to try and help. However, her idea of helping in this situation was not well thought through.

She had spring out of her chair, lunging forward and cupping the waitresses gigantic breasts in her hands. Just trying to help, the situation had gone south as both women lost control. À loud splat followed by a long moan had filled the room. The waitress had began to orgasm, squirting her juices as they sprayed through her pants and on the floor. Elora just watched and as milk began to pour out of the poor waitresses breasts and into her hands. Elora couldn't hold back anymore as her cock twitched underneath her skirt.

Within seconds the waitress had been pinned to the floor, her breasts pushed together in Elora's hands. Elora needily thrusted her hard cock between the waitresses breasts, her throbbing tip sliding between her lips and deep into her throat. In a complete twist of fate, Elora's boyfriend watched in horror before storming out of the restaurant. Elora reached her climax, releasing her sperm into the swollen waitresses throat. As she came to her senses she got up and raced out of the restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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