064. "from your lips, you spoke one last goodbye"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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Merciless memories,

They show no intent of letting me go free


          HARRY RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL wing late in the night. The moment he'd gotten the news from Hermione, it all made sense why they didn't get any word from her.

Lucia was in the hospital wing.

And he couldn't help but think of the worse. Hermione reassured him that it was nothing and that she just needed rest, but the question in his mind was why it had to be that way in the first place? What led to her having to be in the hospital wing? He needed to find out.

From under the Invisibility Cloak, he ventured through the corridors soundlessly with the Marauders Map at hand, narrowly slipping away from Filch and Mrs. Norris in midst of it before he finally arrived at his destination; he was too worried to even think clearly, for the last time he'd seen her at the hospital wing...

His heart clenched in anguish just at the thought of that moment, how her face was as blanched as paper and no signs of blood detected with a bandage wrapped around her head. It was the stillest he'd ever seen the bright girl had ever been, and he didn't want to think the same thing had happened now.

He entered quietly through the large doors of the wing, eyes searching continuously from one bed to another when his eyes finally caught the sight of a sleeping girl. He walked up to her, heaving a breath of relief.

She was just sleeping.

Inching closer, Harry watched as her chest heaved up and down. Perhaps it was just the sudden change of feelings he had for her, and perhaps he was just being bias because of it, but Harry didn't know someone could be so beautiful even while asleep. Yet, that didn't change of the fact that her face was drained from colour and how her her breathing was beginning to become heavy, indicating she was in the middle of recovery.

He felt ashamed. He should've taken noticed and maybe her being in the hospital wing could've been prevented...

As if sensing his presence, Lucia slowly stirred in her sleep. She muttered incoherent words that made his heart burn — not in the good way. It felt as though he was just burdening her with his presence, and he began to consider whether he should leave her be, or stay.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now