Chapter Sixteen

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I'm sitting with my back against the door and my legs are sprawled infront of me. No ones really bothered except Dyan trying to give me a reason to come out, before she said that my sitting room is full of gowns for the wedding. I probably would've come out if the wedding wasn't Arthur's and mine. Dyan stopped bothering once she decided it was useless.
I'm staring blankly in front of me, my thoughts are interrupted by the thumping of a fist on my sleeping room door. "Go away Dyan." I yell blindly staring at my hand and thinking about what would happen if I buried it in the wooden walls. "It's not Dyan." Says the voice on the other side of the door. "Oh go away Gadd." I say quoting my favourite scene in The Big Bang Theory where Penny is in the Wonder Woman costume.
"Open the door Lady." He says in a calm voice. I oblige by unlocking the door and walking to my bed lying face down length ways. I hear the door open then close and Gadd's voice a few minutes later. "You know you're like a daughter to me and soon that's actually going to happen. I've researched your world enough to know your acting like a typical teenager." He says the last two words as if he's never used them before, he probably hasn't. "This wedding is still happening." He says.
I roll over and sit up straight with a look on my face that made the strong king flinch. He stands at the door almost leaning on it. "Look Lord King. I don't care if the wedding is still going on but just note that I will hurt anyone who touches me." I say pointing a quivering finger at him. He turns and leaves.
I calm down after a few minutes, I take a few deep breaths and make a mental note to apologise to Gadd later. There's another knock but it's on my foyer door. I get up and answer it. Arthur instantly starts talking. "I here we're to be mar..." I didn't hear the rest because I slammed the door in his face. I go back to my sleeping room so I can change out of the riding clothes I realise I'm wearing, I decide to have a bath as well. I dress in a simple blue dress that goes looks great with my wavy red hair.
I walk through the foyer to my sitting room. I stop dead in my tracks as I enter leaving the door open. I gape at the room full of dresses on mannequins, white, cream, pink, lots of different colours. The foyer door opens but I don't turn around to greet her. "Dyan how ever did you find so many such beautiful gowns?" I say with excitement in my voice.
I go to the one closest to me and admire the golden rose pattern. When I don't hear an answer I turn and see Skye my smile fades away and turn into a scowl. "What do you want Skye." I demand. He stares at me with puffy red eyes "father comes to the table and announces there's a feast soon to celebrate a marriage. I ask who's and do you know what he said." He didn't wait for my answer. "Arthur's marriage to the Lady Evangeline who I have loved ever since I first saw her." He yelled at me so hard that a tear escaped my eye and I flinched. Skye had the look of murder in his eyes and he's trying to control his temper. I breath deep breaths and try to control my tears.
Someone who obviously heard Skye yelling. Oh what am I kidding the whole kingdom practically heard him. scrambles through the open doors. I didn't tear my seeping eyes from the ones that stare angrily into mine. Tears are still escaping from my eyes. I finally look at the person standing behind Skye. It's Arthur, who stares worriedly into my eyes. His eyes settle on Skye's back as a look I've never seen in my life takes form on his handsome face. What did I just call Arthur handsome. I can't any that I don't still have feelings for him. I still love him.
Arthur's look of pure madness takes action as he grabs Skye by the arm and drags him outside of my rooms. Skye keeps trying to shake him off and before you know it you hear Arthur yelling a stream of curse words at his brother, I try and compose myself when Dyan comes in with a tray, 3 girls follow her with boxes stacked so high I can't even see their faces. Dyan sets the tray on a table then comes to me and wraps her arms around me like a mother to her hurt child.
Arthur comes back in and stands awkwardly in the doorway. Dyan pulls away and takes the girls out after they put the boxes away, leaving me and Arthur in this room packed of potential wedding dresses. I'm still crying but not from Skye yelling at me, from sadness of the fact that I have missed Arthur. He stands there staring at me, the mad look gone from his gorgeous face and replaced with one of sympathy and care. I run to him and wrap my arms around his neck as his arms come around my waist.
"I'm sorry Arthur. I'm so sorry." I whisper into his shoulder. "No love I'm sorry I should've told you before we went away." He says and pulls away but still a holds onto me, he reaches up and wipes my tears from my cheeks. I pull his face to mine and kiss him with all my feeling. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the arm chair not stacked with boxes and shoes. He sits with me on his lap and we just stay there cuddling. My head on his right shoulder, my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist.
Dyan comes back a few hours later with the girls. She stands before us, her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised, the girls behind her. Arthur stands up, picking me up as well. Deposits me on the arm chair in the same position I was in before and turns to leave. He nods at the girls who have curtsied in respect of the prince. Dyan didn't acknowledge him at all.
I've stopped crying and we began to try dresses on. The three girls didn't talk much, the tallest girl is named Mila, has curly brown hair and is 18, the second tallest girl's name is Bessie, she's 15 and has straight blonde hair, the smallest girl has dark brown nearly black hair that's curly at the bottom, she's 12 years of age and is named Jessa. They wear the usual brown servant dress. Mila gets the dresses ready, Bessie gets the matching shoes and Jessa get some jewellery for me.
After hours and a lunch break of trying on wedding gowns I finally found one I absolutely love. It's a white dress with full length and has sleeves that would cover my hands, it has a thick black outline and black straps that make a corset pattern for the bodice. The matching shoes look like those slip on ballet type shoes, their white with black outlining and a strap that goes across, over the top of the foot.
I couldn't find any jewellery I liked and I decided to have my hair like Daneares Targaryen when she's cremating Kahl Drogo in season one of Game of Thrones. I won't be wearing anything on my head since a tiara will be placed on my head at the ceremony to dedicate me a princess. I don't know what it looks like but Dyan will make sure it matches the dress.
Since we're done trying stuff on, Dyan and I are going to look for a dress to wear to the feast that's going to be on soon, we choose a Purple dress that's so fitted I almost feel naked in it. The bodice shows some of my breasts but not too much that it won't be inappropriate. It completely hugs my curves perfectly and has thin sleeves that connect to an emerald ring that goes on my middle finger, I have a silver chain necklace with a single emerald pendant, and emerald earrings. There's not much description for the shoes since every pair of shoes I own has a matching dress. Save the riding boots.
With that sorted I change back into my blue dress and decide to brush Star. I head down to the stables and get her brush, I go to her stall and enter cautiously since she's sleeping. As I'm brushing her I get an idea. It's a random thought but still catches my mind. Jet's a stallion, Star's a mare, I could breed them. As soon as I think that I instantly agree to myself. Tonight I will sneak Jet in and mate them together. I don't know what breed of horse Jet and Star is but I don't care.
After a dinner with the king and Arthur in Arthur's Sitting room I sneak out my window and head towards the gate. The guards that are trustworthy work the gate and know about my secret occupation so they let me pass and come back with Jet. I sneak him passed the stables and lead him to the round yard which is surrounded by a wall of trees. After I put him in there I get Star. I successfully mated them and put them back in their homes.
I don't know why I did this. I guess it takes my mind off getting married and the whole Skye problem and everything else. Then thinking that I start thinking about the wedding. I'm going to marry Prince Arthur of Nander, oldest of three and future ruler to this Kingdom. I'll be his wife, his Queen, I'll share his bed and produce sons to him, I'll entertain his guests and handle his affaires when he's off fighting a war or doing business in another Kingdom. I'll be a sister to a boy who's in love with me.
I go back to my rooms to find a surprise on my bed bawling their eyes out. "Lady Princess what in Lord is the matter?" I say going to the girl, taking a seat beside her and touch my hand on her shoulder. She turns and hugs me, crawling into my lap. I hug her back and shush her quietly while she weeps. "Tell me what's the matter Sarah." I say rocking he back and forth in my arms.
"I had another nightmare, there was a boy being dragged to the dungeons and while he slept the guards slit his throat and the blood was spilling everywhere over the floor." She said while sobbing on my shoulder. "The lady servant couldn't calm me so I came here because you have always been able to calm me down Lady." I kept shushing and rocking her.
I convince her to let me give her a bath, I dressed her in one of my long sleeve shirts that was a dress on Sarah which made her giggle. It was good to hear her laugh. I lay her under the covers in my bed and sit in the armchair watching her sleep.
In the morning Dyan comes in with a tray of plates for three, last night I sent a servant passing my rooms to tell Sarah's carer that she's with me. I tell Dyan to set it up in my sitting room and to clear a space for us. Sarah wakes up a few minutes later, she seems well rested. "That was the bestest sleep I've ever had." She said and got off the bed.
We sit at the table eating plates of scrambled eggs, bacon and pork sausages with a glass of berry juice from the vines of a farm near the coast of the kingdom. "Well if you'll excuse me Lady's I have work so I'll be getting changed and going to my office. Dyan when the princess finishes her breakfast escort her back to her rooms because she has lessons starting at 10 and its 9:30." I say getting up and moving to the door.
I change into a green dress that matches Arthur's eyes. Dyan braids my hair and pins it when she comes back. I take the papers I needed to study and walk to my office. I walk up the stairs to my office and it's exactly the way I left it. I go to my desk and sit in my chair and begin my long days of work.
I sign a bunch of papers about court orders and read a million letters from people I don't know congratulating me on my engagement. Dyan has been coming in with rough designs for the wedding which we haven't set an exact date in.
Before I finish Arthur comes up and sits in one of the chairs in front of my desk. "We need to organise a date for the wedding Arthur. I've been getting plans from Dyan all day." I say finishing off a letter order I'm writing for the flowers. I look up and into his eyes. Some stray hairs from my braids has slipped down in front of my face.
Arthur stands and walks around my desk to crouch next to me, I turn my body so I'm looking at him. He takes both my hands and kisses them. "We need to discuss this with my father first, and we need to spend some time alone to talk about a situation." He says. I stare at him puzzled. "What situation?" I say and pull my hands from him.
"When do you finish?" Arthur says, I look out the window at the setting sun and say "soon." He nods and takes my hands again. "Finish now. Father won't be finishing anytime soon and we need to talk." I'm getting worried but I nod my head and wipe my ink stained fingers along my dress smoothing it and quickly signing a charter for one of the judges.
I get up and follow Arthur to my rooms. "Firstly you need to change out of your work clothes." He says with a wink. I go to my dressing room and change into an aqua dress and take my hair down. I go outside and see Arthur sitting on my bed watching me with unexpressioned eyes. He gets up, teases my hand and leads me to the small dining room.
Everyone I know is in here. The dresses are cleared away, as well as the shoes and jewellery, it looks like a party is going on in here. There's food and flowers. I stand at the doorway, jaw dropped and quickly regain my thoughts and close my mouth. I smile and bite my bottom lip, I turn to confront Arthur who stands behind me smirking like an idiot.
"What's all this for?" I say and turn back to the people smiling. Then Arthur hugs me from behind with his arms across my chest and shoulders. "Happy Birthday Evangeline." He whispers. Then realisation sits in and my eyes go wide. I've been working hard today to catch up for the days I've missed that I forgot that it's my birthday. Of course I would've forgot, I don't even know the date or day, I don't know how long I've been here.
"Oh my lord." I say. And everyone starts eating and I see the king sitting on the couch. I go and sit next to him. "How long have I been here. If people start asking me how old I am now I don't know what to say because I don't know if I've passed my actual birthday." He looks at me for minute. "Today is your actual birthday. After this party come to my office and I'll tell you more. And by the way you're Eighteen." I nod and Arthur takes my hand and drags me away. I trust him to lead me so I take the time to count the heads around me. There's about 40 people here.
Arthur takes me to the dance floor and we dance. It's cramped I started laughing and I rested my forehead on his shoulder and calmed my laughs. When the music stops Arthur sits with me on one of the other couches. I scan the room and latch eyes with Skye. He's talking to a girl and is drinking a cup of whatever drink their serving. He sets the drink down and excuses himself. He walks over to me and sits next to me on my other side.
"Happy Birthday MyLady." He says and passing me a gift that sits next to him. It's a box wrapped in paper. I look at Arthur, he's scowling at the present. I open it and inside is a glass bottle with a pink liquid in it. "What is it?" I ask Skye. He smiles at the bottle and turns his eyes to me. "Drink it and find out. Don't worry it isn't poison." He says and gets up to leave.
I look at Arthur who takes the bottle from me and puts it on the ground beside him. "Don't drink it, please." He says. "Why not, Skye would never hurt me Arthur." We both know Skye wouldn't do that because he's still I love with me. He's about to answer when the sound of a spoon on a glass turned everyone's attention to the source.
The king is standing on a chair and puts the spoon down. "Lady's And Lords. We are all here in this room to celebrate the eighteenth year of Lady Evangeline's life." He says and raises his glass. "Let's eat friends." He says a moment later. We all stand and head to the tables.
Gadd came and guided Arthur and I to our seats. I was seated next to the king and Arthur next to me, Skye next to him. Lunch is spaghetti with meatballs. The king is talking to me about the wedding arrangements but I'm distracted by the argument that Arthur is having with Skye.
I look to my left at Arthur and Skye who's bickering have gotten louder and caught the attention of the people sitting around them. "Arthur... Skye." I whisper yell at them. They don't turn to me and continue their batter. "Sons of mine." Gadd says a bit louder than his normal volume of voice since his voice is deep enough to appear loudly. Both of his sons turn to the sound of their father's voice.
"My office now. Lunch is over. My apologise MyLady for both of my sons rudeness, even if you're to marry one of them." King Gadd says growling the last eight words while looking at Arthur. "It's perfectly fine Lord King. Like you said I'm to marry one of them, I've lived here for some time and have already grown accustomed to the sound of bickering. There's no need for apology." I say kindly. I stand and everyone stands with me. "Thank you all for coming and for your gifts." I say to the crowd as I gesture to the table stacked with gifts.
Everyone stands and leaves at the Kings comand. The King escorts me to my rooms himself along with Skye and Arthur. When I enter my foyer I hear a thumping sound, I turn and open the door to see Skye on the ground with a split lip and Arthur is rubbing his fist. Gadd just yelled at him. "Seriously Arthur. I thought you struck your father for a second but seriously whatever Skye said ignore him." He began to protest but I held up my hand and silenced him. Gadd chuckles and I lose it for a second to say. "Don't you start. Where do you think he gets it from, I highly doubt from his mother." I say which silenced him and made the princes chuckle.
"Arthur, Skye to your own rooms now. I don't care if you mean to punish them for interrupting lunch Lord King but if this continues by tomorrow I'll punish all three of you. You wanted to speak to me after the party and the party is finished so we will go to your office of you forgot about that." Gadd nodded and I strode off so he'd have to catch up. Before he did I heard him whisper "I always liked that one out of all of your lovers boys."
In Gadd's office he sits hard in his chair. "I remembered but frankly I hoped you wouldn't." He said with a look of guilt. "Of course I'd remember, it's about why I'm here."
He nods his head. "Why did you choose me?" I ask. "Your DNA is extremely rare. Yours is the only DNA that can travel through time and have no negative affects. We've tried it with tonnes of people from different countries. But it's reversible, why else do you think we will be sending Louis back, we will be erasing his memory, we always do." He says. "Then how come it worked for Louis?" I cross my arms. "Nothing has changed with him." I say. "Isn't there anything that has changed. It doesn't have to be visible, we found something interesting when he was in the dungeons." Gadd looks smug with his eyebrows raised high.
I race out of the office, down the stairs, through the hallways to the dungeon door, down the stairs, through another door and looking in the cells until I found Louis's. His was the only occupied cell, "Louis." I say. He's lying on his cell bed, facing the wall. "You don't want to see me Evangeline." He says and draws himself smaller and closer to his body, now in the fetal position. "Louis look at me. I will decide what I do and don't want to see." I say holding the bars.
I hear him groan, he turns and sits up. I gasp, he has what looks like a terrible skin rash. "The king came down himself and explained to me what happens when people from our world come here. "Lucky for you, yours isn't bad, all you've got in longer hair and it's different colour... I HAVE A FUCKING PERMANENT SKIN RASH!!!" He yells at me. I flinch and step away from him. I turn away and walk back to my rooms. I change into my bed clothing even though it's around 1.
Dyan comes in and finds me sitting on my bed, my clasped hands shaking and my eyes on the wall in front of me. I didn't turn when Dyan entered. Dyan started talking but I didn't hear her. I was in shock from what I saw. Dyan came and kneeled before me, she put her hands on my upper arms and started shaking me, her mouth looked to be screaming. Soon the door slammed open and Arthur was here. Dyan moved and he was in front of me his hands were on either side of my face, his lips moving but I couldn't hear any words coming out of them. He picks me up bridal style and carries out of the room, my eyes are still looking forward. Arthur carries me to the infirmary and sits me down on a cot, the healer works her way around me and places a cup of a hot liquid and tells me to do something that I don't hear, she takes my hands that are around the cup and lifts it to my lips, she tips it backwards and I realise I'm supposed to drink it, it's a type of tea. When I finish it, the healer gets me to lie down.
I wake up and forget where I am for a minute until I see Arthur sleeping on the chair beside me, I can't believe what happened to Louis. My shock has gone down thanks to the tea and sleep. I stare up at the ceiling, I think that he'll be better soon because the king said that its reversible.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2015 ⏰

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