Chapter Nine

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I fold the letter back up and put it in my dress pocket. I finish the day off with signing a letter from the Lord farthest in the kingdom, Cran his name is. His letter contained a number of items stolen including some small children kidnapped. I walk through the corridors towards my rooms when I come across a piece of paper. I pick it up and read it, it seems to be a delivery form for two horses, three boxes of arrows, a box of bow parts and seven different instruments.

The Kings signature is at the bottom and a due date for arrival. I make my way to the Kings rooms and knock. "Enter." I hear. I walk into the sitting room and see the king talking to Dyan. Dyan stands and walks past me out the door. "Sorry for my intrusion Lord King, but I found this delivery form in Corridor sixteen and it has your signature so I thought you would need it." I said curtsying.

He stands, walks over to me, takes the form out of my hand, places it on the table, turns to me and takes both of my hands. "I don't mind in the lease Lady. You know you're like a daughter to me." At that he lets go of my hands and gestures to the table for me to sit.

I obey and for a while we sit in silence before he breaks it. "I bet you're wondering why your lady servant Dyan was in here. Well she's my spymaster and she was giving me an update on my spy's movements." He gazed into my eyes as if he's trying to see my soul.

He offers me to join him for dinner. "My apologies Lord King. I must decline. I have plans to look over some court order forms and have them signed off by morning." I stand and make my way to the door when the Kings voice stops me in my tracks. "Next ball I would like you to accompany one of my sons." I turn and reply. "Of course Lord King."

I walk back to my rooms and lie on my bed staring at the ceiling. Thinking about my house, my mom, my dog, Louis. In my head I keep asking myself 'should I leave?' Should I? I don't belong here but I feel I do. Maybe it's just my mind. Maybe I'm not actually here. Maybe I'm in a coma waiting to be woken up.

I'm going crazy. That's impossible because I don't remember falling asleep accept when those guys hit my head when they threw me in the van. I'm definitely going insane.

Whatever if I'm asleep I'll enjoy my dream. I know I'm not asleep because in a dream if you fall asleep you wake up in real life and dreams start in the middle of the story and I wouldn't know I'm in a dream. I decide to clear my head by going for a walk to see the delivery come in with my new horse which I'll ride in public.

I remember the letter Louis wrote me then I realise he's going to be delivering it. I sprint down the corridor and stop at the doorway leading outside. It's pouring rain, I can't go out into the rain with no coat. I frown and run back to my rooms grabbing my coat and running through the rain.

I get to the gate and I see the delivery carriage with the horses being backed off of their wagon. I see Louis at the horses nose murmuring soft words to keep it calm. I'm standing by the wagon waiting. I wait for the horse to walk off and I take a look at its beautiful palomino coat. She has a bright mane and fluffy tail.

"What to name you." I say to the horse as I take her lead and move her away. I look at Louis who is staring at me while he takes the other horse's nose and helps it back off the wagon. I puck up the courage to speak to him. "Does she have a name?" I ask Louis as he finishes backing the gorgeous brown horse off the ramp before flipping it up.

"No Lady." He says not turning to look. I raise my hand to stop the guard who was approaching to yell at him that when you speak to a Lady, Lord or anyone else above you that you must turn and look at them. Obviously Louis wasn't told that rule but I didn't want him to attract attention.

I take the horse to the stables out of the rain and brush her while I think of a name. "I've got it. I'm gonna call you Star." I said smiling at myself as I finger combed her wet locks. She's the most beautiful horse I've ever seen other than Jet. That reminded me that I need to brush him to.

I lean over the stall looking both ways before sneaking my way to the back door of the stables.Star snorted as she pointed her nose my way. I walk slowly up against the wall and pass undetected through the gate into the woods with the horse brush in my hand.

I walk into the thick brush of the woods and whistle. Jet came trotting up to me. I got on him and he took me to his little camp area where he sleeps and takes the food he finds. It has a little stable stall for when it's raining and I take him in there. I remove his saddle and everything else on him so he's bare and I can start brushing him.

I finger comb his mane and tail after I finish brushing his black coat. I start to polish the saddle when I hear rustling from the bushes nearby. I look at Jet who has heard it to. He looks at me and I nod, he trots away then bolts to the bushes to surprise whatever's behind it.

A person jumped out from behind the bushes and I see that he's Prince Arthur. "Jet stop." I say and the black stallion walks to where I'm standing. "What are you doing here Lord Prince?" I ask confused. Was he following me or what? "I was making sure you didn't get hurt Lady." He said holding his hands up in surrender keeping his eyes on Jet who was glaring at him.

"I can take care of myself." I say putting my hands on my hips. He smirks at me. "Yeah otherwise you wouldn't be my fathers secret assassin." He slowly towards me. He smiles at my puzzled expression. Jet makes a sort of grunting growl noise at the mention of the secret.

"How did you know?" I say dropping my hands to my side. "You're not the only one who walks around at night. I've seen your practices." He drops his hands before putting them back up and walks backward when Jet takes a step toward him. "Jet." I snap, Jet walks back with an angry look on his face. He walks into his stables and lies down on his knees.

It's starting to rain hard so I finish putting everything back on Jet and walk to Arthur who was waiting patiently keeping his gaze on Jet. "He's a beautiful horse. Like his owner." He says as we make our way to the castle. Flattery doesn't soften the fact that he was spying on me. "I'm a beautiful horse." I say a bit offended even though I know what he means. "You know what I mean no need for sarcasm Lady."

Within a half hour we were entering the grounds. "I'll walk you to your rooms." Arthur offers as we walk through the corridors. "Lord Prince no matter if I say no we will be going the same direction anyway because our rooms are across from each other." I'm unable to keep the amusement out of my voice. We come to our doors, say our good nights and enter our own rooms. I don't bother getting changed. I'm asleep before my head touches my pillow.

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