Chapter Three

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The morning I woke up and got dressed ready for work. I got down to the Laundry room and got my bags and fresh, clean towels. Every time I replace the towels and collect the dirty clothes no one is up and barely realises that some one was in their room while they were asleep. The king never woke because the sleeping pills Denny gives to help with his long days.

When I got to the Princess's room she was sleeping when I replaced the towels but seemed to have woken from a nightmare. She was screaming when I crossed the room to her dressing room. To calm her down I rushed next her bed sat on the edge. "What is wrong Lady Princess?" I asked the way Dyan has taught me to address any Lady, Lord, Prince, Princess , King and Queen.

"I'm having bad dreams." She replies, my heart goes out to her, she couldn't be more than 8 years old. She looks at me "I haven't seen you here before." She says plainly. "I'm new here. My name is Evangeline." I say trying to distract her from thoughts of her nightmares. I know meeting new people helps it helped me with meeting the people that work here from my nightmares.

"I'm Sarah.I like your name. It is pretty." She says smiling at meeting someone new. I tucked her in as I told her some things about myself, careful not to mention anything about my previous life before I was kidnapped. I finished my job and when I came out of the dressing room she was asleep. The next room I'm suspecting must be Arthur's since I wasn't told to go in their.

I entered Prince Skye's room and without looking at his sleeping form I went to the bathroom to replace the towels. When I was done I carried the dirty towels to the bag by the doorway and placed them in. I went into the dressing room to retrieve the dirty clothes, when I came out I bashed into a bare chest dropping the clothes I'd been carrying. "I'm so sorry Lord Prince please forgive me." I said as I dropped down to pick up the clothes I'd dropped not meeting his eyes I walked to the bag put the clothes in and headed toward the door but he blocked it.

"No need to be sorry." He said staring at me until I met his eyes. I tore mine away from the bag which held dirty clothes and towels and looked into his eyes for the first time. They were as kind and caring as they were when I first saw him. One could call him handsome, charming and sweet. "You're new are you not?" He asked staring at his feet then looking into my face. "Yes I am Lord Prince" I reply being obedient since he outranks me.

He's making small talk to keep in this room. HIS room no doubt. "I'm Skye" he said slightly tilting his head. "I'm Evangeline." I say as my lips curve into a crooked smile. "'Evangeline' that's a very pretty name." He said still blocking the door, "thank you. That's what your sister said." I say staring into his lovely green eyes for one more second before tearing away from them and saying "I should probably be getting back to work. It was nice to meet you Lord Prince." I said smiling.

He stepped aside to let me pass and I walked down the hallway feeling his eyes on my back I turned down the corridor to where the laundry room stair case is and go down it. I finish my job and get others done such as sorting out the clean clothes, dirty clothes, delivering clean clothes to the soldiers carriage to take to the the end of the day I was asked to serve drinks at the monthly formal ball the king holds most of the time.

That night we are given plain Brown dresses with aprons and trays to hold the drinks and foods. On these nights we had to wear the same clothes and have our hairstyles the same which was down. When three of us went to the Kings rooms to see how he likes the servant girls attire, he doesn't and asks for suggestions from each of us none of us could come up with an idea for a few minutes but then I thought of something.

It was time and we wore dark purple dresses and our hair was put into two braids and pinned up. Which the king was pleased with when I suggested it. We were walking around serving drinks and small finger foods when it came time for dinner. We were set with particular areas which we would stick to, I had the royal table with the prince and the king along with most of his favoured lords and lady's there were eight servant girls and four areas, two girls per area one with foods and the other with drinks.

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