Chapter 4

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“Mia Hart? OMG, it is you!” An  annoyingly high voice crowed. Mia had just been helped to the bench with an ice pack held against her cheek when one of her friends from high school approached her. Mia narrowed her eyes at the blonde girl walking towards her, trying to find a name for her face…

                “Uh, remember me?” The girl asked when Mia didn’t respond. “Stacy Bishop… I was on the cheerleading squad with you?” Mia continued to stare blankly, “… 4th period Bio together sophomore year… I even went over to your house a couple times…”

                And then it clicked.

                “Right! Stacey Bishop! I totally remember you!” Relief flooded through Stacey’s face. “Sorry, I took a nasty hit- I must be a little dizzy…” Mia lied. Dizzy or not- she would never have remembered this ditzy fake blonde. But she couldn’t afford to have anyone against her now…

                Stacey laughed, “It’s totally okay! I saw that happening back there by the way.” She inserted a random giggle, causing Mia to mentally roll her eyes, “God, that Amanda chick is such a bitchy loser! Who the hell does she think she is?”Stacey exclaimed, trying to kiss up to Mia.

                “Tell me about it!” Mia agreed, shaking her head unbelievably. She took a quick look at Stacey- hm. Not perfect, but with a little BLC (bitchy loving care) Mia could make Stacey her temporary BFF for the little time she was here. A queen needs her ladies-in-waiting after all. 

                “So, Stace. What college are you going to again?” Mia asked, watching Stacey’s face light up at the sound of a nickname. Because Mia knew a nickname was the first step to a BFF relationship she had all the control in. It was her, after all, who first started calling Kiana, Kiki.

                “Ari!” Someone called, making Aria turn around at the sound of her name. She smiled immediately.

                “Jennifer!” Ari exclaimed, hugging on of her close friends from high school. “God, Jen…  What happened to ‘let’s stay in touch?’” Jen had been one of the few reasons Ari had even attempted to survive senior year. With Olivia gone, she had had no close friend to rely on. Then she met Jen in Physics and Jen introduced her to her friends. Thank god, because Ari was never meant to be a loner.

                “I know, I know. I guess we’ve both been busy. You look great, though!” Jen replied, grabbing Ari’s shoulders and briefly observing her. “I see you lost the bold make up!”

                Ari laughed, “Yeah. I guess I never realized I looked like a modest stripper until college…”

                “Well you look great. Hey, don’t you go to Carnegie Mellon?” Jen asked, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

                “Yeah… you’re a UW husky right?”

                “Yup, stayed close to home. Something I regret now…” Jen joked, as they grinned at each other. The church doors swung open and close, but Ari didn’t pay any attention. That soon changed, however, when she saw Jen’s smile fade away. Ari whipped around to see a boy her age walk into the room. People stared and started to whisper. Ari narrowed her eyes trying to him more clearly.

                Her heart stopped.

                It was someone she never expected to see in public. She never wanted to, either. She didn’t remember much about the night, other then the fact that he was there too. And he knew what she might have done…

                “That’s Westin Sparktin-Henry. That nobody Amanda’s step brother.” Jen explained quietly, “Can you believe it? Amanda had a step brother and no one knew he even existed. You didn’t, right?” Ari turned back to Jen and shook her head no- lying. “It’s messed up. They had him locked up in the attic cause he’s the result of Ms. Henry’s secret love affair or something. Everyone just found about him a couple days ago. He just kind of walked out of his house onto the street.”

                “Wait-“ Ari interrupted, “Did you say MS. Henry?”

                “Oh yeah!” Jen whisper-exclaimed, “They got divorced just two weeks ago. I guess that’s why he was let out.”

                Ari wasn’t the type to freak out. She even took the news about Kiki being dead well- but then again, she never doubted she was still alive. The point: that Ari was relatively calm and considerate about shocking news.

                So when Ari started bitting her lip, her eyes flitting around the room nervously, Jen knew something was wrong.

                And Jen was right. Ari was a mess in her head right now. Because if things didn’t work out- if she didn’t play her cards right- she would be as good as dead.

                “Mom,” Mandy hissed, pulling her mom away from her few friends.

                “Oh, sweetie! Are you having fun? That Mia girl seemed nice.”

                “First off, it’s a funeral. We’re not supposed to be having fun. And secondly, Mia is not nice. She’s a capital B- itch.” Mandy snapped. “Ugh, why are you such a pain? Why can’t you just be normal and actually understand me? You’re so annoying! AH! And now… this.”

                Mandy’s mom let the insults brush past her as she smiled, confused. “What are you talking about, Mandy?”

                “I’m talking,” Mandy hissed, “About this.” She motioned behind her at her used to be secret step brother lounging on one of the church benches like he owned the place. Everyone stared pointedly at them, and they whispered too. Mandy couldn’t help but want to punch them all in the face. Being annoyed with him? That was her job.

                “Oh.” Her mom started, distressed. “Well, you see. After your father and I separated,” Mandy winced. All because of that jerk… “I didn’t see any reason to keep him cooped up.” When Mandy didn’t repoly, she continued, “Think about it Mandy! It’s not his fault he’s my child! HE deserves to live. 21 years of his life he’s been barley surviving in our attic. Nothing’s holding him back now- he’s been taking online classes too. He’ll just live the rest of his life like a normal person!”

                Mandy hated to admit her mom was right. She hated to even acknowledge his presence, which is why she never even gave him a thought when she came home. “Well, you could’ve at least… told me.” She said weakly.

                “Does this mean it’s okay?” Her mom asked excitedly. Mandy sighed and gave a small nod. “YES! Now go talk to him.” She exclaimed, pushing her forward again. Mandy glared.

                “No. That’s one thing I will always refuse to do.”

                Mandy started making her way back to their car outside when she saw Aria with her friend Jennifer, whispering in a corner as Aria glared at Westin appallingly. What was her problem? She asked herself before remembering and coming to a halt.

                That night. She’d followed Wes out when he snuck out. Something happened after that… something with Ari. And Mia. And… Kiki? Mandy shook her head- she must be going crazy.

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