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Exact words from the memory, printed, with markings left by Surtr.
A bottle of half-empty liquor (the bottle has exquisite patterns)
A tree with blossom-like golden leaves.
Their deceased, brown companions, lying motionless on the hard soil. (some stepped on)
Their home, a large, aged, piece of wood, with a strange carving. (looks like Yen-Styled letters)
(I remember the scenery on a high, steep, hill, looks like Yen-Styled paintings.)
Next to the brown wood, a magnificent, yet broken-down pillar stood.
There were holes in it. (whether it was literally or not is unclear)





You thought for a moment, resulting in a terrible headache. The letters were familiar. Somebody, from the far outskirts of Yen, had read it out to you. The exact same words.

Who was it again?

Those sisters were the most likely candidates. Nian and Dusk, the duo of odd siblings from inner Yen. In any case, they must be on Rhodes Island right now. You must reach them before Dusk reaches that chamber of hers, or before Nian reluctantly departs for yet another "errand." Thus, clenching the piece of document, you went on your hunt for the siblings, leaving Surtr alone in the office without another chance of sparking an awful conversation.

On your way there, you organised your thoughts, recalling those words, read out, in an arbitrary and unceremonious manner. Dusk's way of wording her sentences were always in an elegant, formal manner. If not, her tone would be quite bashful. Only Nian would be so wilful to say such. You verified your target while calculating the exact route to her location.

The cafeteria on Rhodes Island is the first destination. The cafeteria door blasted open, revealing a doctor who looks remarkably imitating standing in the doorway, glaring down at the miserable operators who were conversing casually. Of course, you didn't mean to.

"Have any of you seen Nian?" The booming voice came.

"N-no.." The door slammed shut.

Next destination, the workshop. Very likely that Nian would be carving some minerals while whistling a tune.

"My, it's the doctor," says the caller. Ceylon, a medic operator, hailed in the workshop, drinking tea as if the station were her personal tea parlour.

"Would you care to share-"

"Miss Ceylon, have you seen Nian?"

"What attitude, haven't Operator Nian left the workshop to fix the factory mechanism?

The door slammed shut again.

"Operator Nian? Wait.. she said she's heading towards your office!" Reported the ones in the factory.
You're taking an inordinate amount of time only to find a single operator.
You slowed down to gather your breath as you walked towards your office, anticipating Nian to disappear before the two of you could connect yet again.
Why... What is fate up to now...
The office door creaked open, exposing two figures that were all too familiar.
"Oh? So you're similarly waiting for the doctor? It makes no difference to me. Move out the way, I have some business with the doctor... little sarkaz."

Flames of Recollection - Surtr x Doctor [ARKNIGHTS]Where stories live. Discover now