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Near noon, you and Surtr finally made your way to the opulent hotel room you had yet to see. She was curious about the chamber, after you highlighted Kal'sit's unusual generosity in reserving it for you during your peaceful conversation on the hammock.

When you entered, it was predicted. You and Surtr sat at a large wooden table in a room filled with wall-length windows that overlooked the sea as you searched through the documents you had brought, hoping for a clue regarding her condition.

Your eyes began to droop as you laid in your own arms, exhausted.


You did not hear anything. Was that an approval from Surtr to finally fall asleep?

So assured, you close your eyes.

You were in the same spot and position when you opened them again. You cannot help but experience absolute joy as the cosy warmth of the dusk sunlight shines down upon your resting stance. Even Surtr's presence seemingly still remains. You were not certain though.

As your vision cleared of the illusions of sleep and blur, you confirmed that she was still here.

You were awake, although she did not budge. You didn't move either, to be fair. Perhaps she was unaware that you were awake.

However, Surtr herself was undoubtedly awake. She was staring at you with full attention and, for once, not in a glare.

In fact, it was a sort of smile, not the sadistic smirk you see on the battlefield, not the joyful beam when she opens yet another bag of popsicles, but... a priceless one. She finally appears at ease, lips turned slightly upwards, and eyes half closed, but filled with energy. Oh, and that smile was directed right at you. It was a delicate one. You were aware that the instant you moved even a centimetre, this delicate smile would quickly morph into the standard poker face, with her body and eyes darting away.

So you dared not to move, breathing slightly heavier to indicate that you were asleep, while thanking your hood for keeping your expressions covered.

Then it disappeared. The greatest blush you've ever witnessed on her face has taken the place of the smile. She swallowed, but kept her eyes on you and did not move. There, you began to panic, that she noticed you were conscious the entire time, despite the fact that you stayed as frozen as a stone statue. From this moment on, things are going to get awkward with her...

"Tch... What a waste of time." She tried to cover up her blush by making a comment that was a little too loud and unnecessarily brusque. You remained motionless. The awkwardness that will confront you was something you were not prepared for. For the time being, silence will do.

After a few moments of your heavy, "unconscious" breathing, that curt scowl vanished gradually, the blush dominating once again. As opposed to her remark earlier... her voice was a soft whisper that could not be heard by anybody, except for herself. Given your proximity, you could hear it regardless.

"The doctor... is asleep...which means that......" She whispered, tilting her head slightly, staring directly into the blackness of your mask, your eyes.

...Silently, operator Surtr leaned forward, and planted a small kiss on your cheek.

Flames of Recollection - Surtr x Doctor [ARKNIGHTS]Where stories live. Discover now