Chapter 22

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Jungkook looked at his sister, his eyes shining with tears as he held a heavy box against his chest and she looked around their nearly empty living room. "We've gotta go, Yu." He tells her softly. The girl presses her fingers under her eyes to stop tears from shedding and turns to face her twin. "I'm coming, I just wanted one last look at the place." She tells him.

He turns and walks towards the door, making his way to the moving truck sitting outside and places the box inside it before turning. "Hyung, is there really no other way?" He asks, his voice just above a whisper and broken. "I'm sorry Kookie." Is the only response the silver haired man gives. Moving away from him when he sees Ji-Yu make her way to the front door.

Jungkook watches as the man places an arm around his sister and pulls her into him, where she sighs heavily showing her sadness, but still not allowing her tears to fall. He wonders if she'll ever feel like she doesn't always have to be strong for everyone in her life, but the thought is cut short when he's wrapped into long arms from behind.

"Jagiya, are you ready to get on the road?" Taehyung whispers into his ear. Jungkook smiles, his nose scrunching around his eyes as he does so. "I've been thinking about you all morning." He tells him, turning and pressing his lips against his. "Only all morning? I've been thinking about you since last night." Taehyung tells him with a wink.

Jungkook blushes at the older male and pushes his shoulder lightly, making his way towards the front of the van and hopping into the passengers side, sliding over to the middle as Taehyung climbs in with him. "You love birds ready?" Namjoon teases, a smile playing on his lips. "Yep, ready to go." Taehyung responds, as Jungkook covers his face.

Just before they pull out of the driveway, Jungkook looks back to see his sister climbing into the passenger seat of Yoongi's car, the two planning to follow after the others. As the two friends made their way behind the moving truck, they didn't speak, Ji-Yu simply looking out the window lost in her own thoughts.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry." Yoongi voices 20 minutes into their drive. "For what?" JI-Yu asks him, confused. "That you have to move." She shakes her head. "It's not your fault Yoongs. It's thanks to you we could live there as long as we did." She tells him. "Though I'm still not happy you lied about the rent situation." She scolds him lightly. Yoongi smirks and says nothing.

When they finally make their way up to the gate Ji-Yu looks around nervously. The first news spot about her and Jimin was due to play on the 11 o'clock news and it was 10:47. She looks back at the gate as it closes behind her and feels her heart pounding in her chest. "You'll be safe here Ji-Ji." Yoongi soothes.

She nods, looking over at the older male. "I know, Jimin and Namjoon have assured me many times, and I trust all three of you." She admits. "Then why are you so nervous?" He asks. "It's just, I didn't expect to be moving to palace grounds." She tells him nervously.

Yoongi shakes his head, chuckling at her. "Do you plan to end your relationship at some point?" He asks. "NO, no. I don't want that. I love Jimin, he's a wonderful person." She tells him. Yoongi takes a deep breath and looks over at her. "Then you'd move to palace grounds eventually, because if you never break up, some day you'd be getting married." He points out.

Ji-Yu nods, "I know. I even know that Jimin has been looking at rings to ask. Taehyung and Jungkook aren't the best spies. They were way too obvious about finding out my ring size and what I like." She tells him. Yoongi pushes down his jealousy and nods, with a forced smile. "Earlier than you expected then." He says. "Unless you plan to say no." He adds.

The girl giggles. "I'd be dumb to say no. He treats me so well and we can talk about everything or nothing for hours." She tells him happily. Yoongi said nothing, instead pulling his car up behind the moving van where Namjoon was coming to the back to open it, several people exiting the building they were moving into to help.

"Yoongs." She starts nervously. "Yeah?" He asks, leaning towards the passenger's seat. "Do you think the public will hate me? I'm just some cafe employee dating the prince." She shares. "Well, if you'd stop being stubborn and take over you could be a cafe owner." He counters. "I don't feel comfortable with that." She tells him.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, "It's not a gift Ji-Ji. You work your ass off, that place was falling apart before you started working there. And since all the money I saved for you two to move is useless with you moving into your boyfriend's protected ass palace, it could be considered payment for the business." He tells her.

Ji-Yu shakes her head and looks over at him. "Consider it past due rent. Besides, Kwan says as princess I'll be expected to do something like run a few orphanages or homeless shelters or something." She shares. "Well, I have a few of those in my ownership as well, if you're interested." He grumbles before getting out of the car.

With all the hands helping with their move, it takes no time at all to unload the truck. When Jimin approached Namjoon with the issue he'd immediately told him how he'd been thinking of converting the old building that was once used as officers quarters into apartments for families close to the royal family ever since Kwan had to stay with his family before the royal wedding.

Three weeks later, it was ready to go. Namjoon and his girlfriend had moved in three days prior, becoming the first tenants. Ji-Yu was supposed to share with her brother, but Taehyung had asked him to move in with him instead. She was happy for them, and for herself that she wouldnt' have to hear them have sex anymore, but she would miss Koo.

This was also her first time living alone, so she was nervous, even though her brother and Taehyung promised to visit often and would live right across the hall. Namjoon said he'd check up on her from time to time and she could see Jimin a lot easier living so close, it was only a five minute walk over to the main palace.

She found it didn't take long to unpack her things into the apartment that felt too big for just her. She was surrounded by people who could have their significant others living with them, and she was still not allowed to be with Jimin without a chaperone, it would remain this way until they got married, which only made her more eager for him to propose.

As night fell, she heard a knock on her door. She opened it to reveal a smiling Jimin holding a bag of snacks, standing just in front of Jungkook and Taehyung who brought blankets, pillows, and drinks. "Movie Night." Jimin tells her with a large smile. She smiled back at him and looked around for Hoseok, their usual chaperone.

"He's running about five minutes behind, he figured we can't get into too much trouble during that time and said I could come ahead of him to set up." He tells her, having noticed her gaze. Ji-Yu happily wrapped her arms up and around his neck, placing her lips against his, "I'm so happy to see you." She tells him, moving to allow him inside.

The two couples made a little cozy spot on the floor in front of the couch, setting the snacks out and getting the movie ready. Just as they were about to sit a knock was at the door and Ji-Yu yelled for Hoseok to come in. He entered the apartment and gave her a warning look. "Don't do that anymore, always keep the door locked even if you're not alone." He tells her.

She looks at the man oddly and he sighs. "Have you checked the news today?" He asked. The girl shook her head and Jimin pulled her into him. "Don't" He tried, but Hoseok spoke anyway. "A lot of the public are happy Jimin found someone, but there are those threatening you. Among them is Mr. Min who's been telling anyone and everyone you're his son's whore." He shared.

Ji-Yu froze in place, feeling her heart pound in her chest. She could feel the tears forming in her eyes and her brother closed his, waiting for the sound of a door closing for her to hide her tears. To his surprise, he heard her sobs and turned to find her in Jimin's arms. Though he hated seeing her upset, he was happy she'd finally felt she could cry with someone.

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