One night stand?

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Amukelani's POV

The fuck is going on? I sigh and drop the phone. I finish going through my emails and then go to bed. I wonder who was calling. I hope its not any psychotic client or crazy ex that can't let go of things. I take my phone and scroll through instagram. I decide to cyber stalk the hot potentials and see what they have been up to lately.

I check his profile and see the latest pic he posted was of him at the beach. He looks drop dead gorgeous. It's wrong to be stalking a man like this, it's giving obsessive and I'm not that kind. I can't have him now cause by the looks of things we are supposed to be enemies. I guess its true when they say you sbwl what you can't have.

After going through his latest post i decide to sleep. I once made a mistake of liking his picture and yeah I've learnt my lesson to never do that again. I try sleeping but my mind is filled with thoughts about this whole war thing that might happen. I wake up and go drink cold water. I probably should be drinking warm milk but i don't like warm drinks.

After drinking water i switch on the tv and watch 171. The show thats playing is not interesting so i decide to switch off the tv and head back to bed. Maybe i should go out? Its a Friday after all and tommorrow I'm not busy with anything. But my hair is a disaster..I'll just have to wash it.

I wash my hair and do my hair routine and its actually bigger than it was last time. My hair grows very fast and sometimes I have this urge to cut it but then i like plaiting it so I choose not too. I'll go plait braids on Sunday to avoid combing it.

After washing my hair and blow drying it i walk to the closet and look for something decent to wear. I find a pale blue bodycon dress and i pair it up with matching heels. I add a bit of make up and tie my hair into a low bun. I lowkey like how i look now. I take a few pictures before grabbing my clutch bag and heading out.

I don't where I'm going but all i know is that i need some fresh air. Its been a while since I've had some time to myself. With me overworking myself and then having to somehow contribute to the mafia I hardly have time to myself so this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I shuffle my playlist and the song Back to sleep by Chris Brown starts playing. This is one of my favourtie songs from his album Royalty. Don't get me started on the remixes.

Just let me rock
Fuck you back to sleep girl
Don't say a word no now don't you talk
Just hold on tight to me girl
Fuck you back to sleep girl

I get to a club named Nudity and i sit for a few minutes contemplating if I should go in. After a back and forth with my subconscious I decide to go in. I get inside the club and i already like the vibe..maybe you won't regret coming here...maybe just maybe. There is music playing and i see the waiters walking around with food and drinks. I go straight to the bar and order a scotch with ice.

"Quite bold for a woman." says a guy with a familiar voice. "Thats a bit sexist. A woman could drink whatever they want." I say. I turn around to see who it is and its non other than Nkosana Maphumulo. What a coincidence that we are at the same club at this time of the hour.

"Can i join you?" he asks. "The stage is yours." I answer and he sits down and orders himself a drink. "Long day?" "Nope i have too many thoughts in my mind so i can't sleep." "Mind sharing them with me." "Nope. You just a client." I see his jaw clench but i ignore it.

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