What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?

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Amukelani's POV

My phone buzzes and i groan. Who the hell is calling me so early in the morning. "Your least favourite person in the world speaking." I say. "Amukelani are you still sleeping?" asks mom. "No i am wide awake." I was actually still sleeping and was struggling to recognize who I'm talking to. "Just so you know its your mother speaking." "Oh hi mami dearest."

I sit up straight and switch the call to face time. "You looking very crusty for a person thats wide awake." she says. "We all have our days where we look beautiful and ugly." I say. "When have you looked ugly?" "Okay the perfect term is crusty." "Exactly. No baby of mine is ugly that means there was a swap at the hospital." I laugh.

"To what do i owe this special call?" I ask. "Is it wrong to find out if I'm my daughter is still alive in Durban?" she asks. "It's not wrong. I was just curious as to why you called. I'm not used to parents that call their kids. Unfortunately I never had that privilege growing up." "You got that from your dad not me." "Your type." We laugh.

"I miss you." she says. "I miss you too mamá." I say. "So you going to be there for Liyana's babyshower?" "I need to know when it is so I can fly down there." "It's end of May but she said she will confirm it before then." "I have a busy schedule during that time cause its month end plus I have to attend court during that time." "How many days are in May?" "31." "Come on the 30th then you leave on the 31st."

"That life is for rich people mnah I am not that rich." I say. "Have you forgotten who your father is?" she asks. "One rich man." "Can't she postpone till end of June cause i know I'll be there by default." "What does that mean?" "Annual Mafia Gala." "Oh. I forgot about that." "I forgot it too but somebody reminded me about it."

"Have you started looking for an outfit?" she asks. "No. I haven't even cleared my schedule for that time." I say. "Stop being a procrastinator and do it otherwise you won't get another chance." "I know. I'll tell my PA today." "You better."

"So what are you going to wear?" I ask. "A nice dress that shows off my figure." she says and i chuckle. "It's about damn time you show off where I got the genes from." "Yes. And you must show off where you got your grootkop from." (big head..) "My dad must be so proud." We laugh.

"Did you hear about the engagement and the lobola?" she asks. "I was the first one to find out about the engagement because he told me his plan." I answer. "I'm so happy that one of my babies is settling down." "Good for you and you must enjoy it cause some of us are dying single." "So not even one grandbaby." "You'll only get it via IVF."

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