Chapter 13

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My first date since being back home, I had two different boyfriends back home.

Rank Jones, who I was in love with from the time I was seven till I hit twelve. It was a child's romance and probably shouldn't count, but it holds to many good memories not to count.

Then there was Lee Daniels, him and I had only been a thing a few months when my dad died, Lee tried, but I was to far gone. There was a lot of potential between him and me, guess it just wasn't the right time though.

I always have a tendency to go for sweet guys, you can change just about anything of your self, but you can't make someone nice. You either have it or you don't, it's a quality that can't be bought and it's one I don't always have. So to be with someone who is genuinely nice helps me to become nicer, plus a golden heart makes someone mega hot.

And Tony, from what I've seen is a regularly nice guy, unless your Paul, but I think they just have beef with each other.

Tony and I decided to see child's play after I told him I love horror movies.

The theater was dark and cold and the movie was loud and made me a bit nervous, but I absolutely loved it.

There was nothing in the world to me that quite matched the feeling of escaping reality for a few hours.

I jumped startled and Tony took this moment to wrap his arm around me, he pulls me in close. Now my heart was beating faster then any scary movie could ever make it.

I look up at Tony's face, he looked about as nervous and excited as I did.

I laid my head on his chest, I could now hear his heart beat, for some odd reason I enjoyed the sound.


After the movie was over Tony took me to a small restaurant in town.

I ordered fish and chips or fries to me,

"How are you adjusting to Anchorage?" He asks me,

"I mean it's different then home, not better or worse, but just different. Like my whole life I grew up in the same town I knew everyone, everyone knew me and. Then now I'm here and I know no one and no one knows me."

"I think I'd love that , to be able to completely create my own image and not be Anthony Davies, the rich boy who plays rugby and will be a politician like his dad. Don't trust Anthony keep him close for your own gains, but never trust him."

I reach out and take his hand "I don't know about anyone else, but I trust Anthony Davies just fine."

"Well if I've got you on my side then who else do I even need ."

I find it hard not to blush at his words, the waitress sits our food on the table and I'm forced to pull my hand away from his.


Tony walked me to my front door,

"I had a really nice time tonight Tony." I look up at him,

"So did I" he looks deeply into my eyes,

My heart flutters, should I open the door and go in or will something more come from tonight.

"I guess I'll head in then" I say,

"Alright, good night"

I turn and put my key in the door,


I spin back towards him "yes?"

He comes close, his head nearly touching mine "what would you think if I kissed kissed you goodnight?"

"I'd think that meant you'll be taking me on another date and I'd think I really like the idea of that." I said,

He then leans in kissing me, I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck, he grabs me by my waist pulling me closer.

This, this moment right here and now is enough to take me away from all the insanity that I've encountered since entering this town.

And then the very last thing I wanted happens, my head grows dizzy and my body collapses.

Not right now I'd rather any other time then now,

I hear the cries of a young girl,

"Help me! Somebody help me!"

She runs through the forest as blood pours down her wounded arm.

"Nora" an ominous voice calls to the woman "I'm going to get you Nora!"

"Ah" the woman sobs running harder,

Suddenly hands grab hold of Nora and I get a good view of her face, she was one of the teens I seen in my vision at the party.

"Let me be your shadow Nora" the voice speaks and Nora is pined to the ground by something not human.

A large dark figure with long sharpened fingers sits on top of Nora.

"Please don't kill me!" She cry's,

"What a cry baby you are Nora, I won't kill you I need you." The figure leaps into Nora's body,

Nora scrams in pain, her eyes turn black and she stands up walking normally.

It all fades away,

My sight returns and I'm on my living room couch,

"She dose this a lot I'm starting to think in may be seizures or something ." My mom speaks while pacing back and fourth,

"It's not seizures, my entire family has these spells like this, it gets really bad at times, but eventually she will be able to control it." Nan speaks,

"She's waking up" Tony says,

Nate warps his arms around me in a nervous hug,

"I'm fine Nate" I say to him,

My mom walks to me, she places her hand on me "your not fine Natalie, this type of thing isn't normal and could be dangerous."

My Nan shakes her head "she's perfectly well Beth, she just needs to learn to control herself." She speaks to my mom,

"I'm going to need you to back off Genevieve and let me be a mother to my own daughter thanks."

Nan respects my mother's words and she says no more.

"I'm sorry Tony" I say feeling embarrassed,

"It isn't your fault Nat" he speaks softly,

"You should probably go Tony, Natalie needs her rest." My mom says,

"Oh, yeah that's no problem" he walks to the door "see ya monday" he leaves the house,

He looked so awkward, shit I hope I haven't messed everything up.

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