Chapter 11- Kate

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I hated doing homework but I had to do it...
"Sweetie? Can I talk to you for a minute?" My mother called up the stairs and I got up and went to her.
"Here sit down." She told me as she sat on the couch. I sat next to her.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Your father has to do training for the new army people in Colorado, and he asked us to come stay with him for 1 year." She says and I think of Grayson.
"What about Grayson?" I ask, getting worried.
"That's the issue." She stated. "Do you really think he's the one for you..?" She asks grabbing my hand.
"I don't know mom, but I can't leave him..." I said getting teary eyes.
"Honey, we need to go, something could happen to your dad any day and we need to spend as much time as we can with him, at least for the next year or two." She says taking one of her hands and rubbing my shoulder. I close my eyes and scream inside my body but no one on the outside could hear me.
"Honey, I'm so sorry." She says cradling me like I was her baby because she knew I was extremely hurt inside. I could see myself with Grayson in 5 years, in 7 years even in 20 years. I couldn't leave him, I have to go see him. I text him...'Hey Gray, we need to talk, now. I'm coming over... XoXo!'
I get into my car and drive to his house not even caring about the speed limit. I knock on his door eagerly and when he opens it I hug him almost immediately.
"Kate, what's wrong?" He asks as if he could read my feelings.
"Can we talk?" I ask getting teary eyes then hugging him again. I let go of him and sit on the black, leather couches.
"What's up?" He says sitting next to me, putting his arm around my neck and grabbing my fingers and entwining them with his.
"I'm moving." I say quickly then curl myself into his lap and hug him.
"Your moving?" He asks and I could tell he was hurt.
"Colorado." I say gasping for air.
"Why?" He asks again.
"To go be with my dad." I say calming down. He closes his eyes and I could tell he wanted to cry but he was staying strong, staying strong for me.

"Grayson?" I wince, but he was still, and pale. I close my eyes an stand up kissing his forehead and getting in my car. I don't drive. I don't start the car. I just sit there. And cry. I was broken, I was hurt, I- I didn't wan to go home, but I had to. I drove home in sobs. Before I went in I freshened up. When I got in there was boxes full of stuff everyone an an empty box labeled 'Kate.' I sighed and grabbed it going up to my room I started on my mirror. One but one I took down the many picture of Grayson and I kissing, and being on the beach and random other ones. Then I went to my dresser. Then to my desk.
"Beep! Beep!" My phone dang. It was Grayson.
The text said,'Hey Kate...'
I answered,'Hey Gray Gray...' This was probably the most awkward conversation ever!
'Im going to bed, it's like 11:00 my I wanted to say I'm gonna miss you and I love you XoXo. Night.' He said. "Night..." I answered and went to bed myself.

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