First day back !

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I woke up early and got ready to start my first day back at school/collage I was excited but also nervous cause i had new teachers and wondered if they knew

' oh boy what a handful this will be '
I jumped out of bed yawning and ran straight to the bathroom feeling the energy cause through my veins

I had a shower,brush teeth , hair and got dressed

I had a shower,brush teeth , hair and got dressed

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I wore something comfy,but the only clothes I really wore were revealing because my dad and brother made me wear them and I don't have enough to buy new ones and I didn't want to burden konan more than I already did

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I wore something comfy,but the only clothes I really wore were revealing because my dad and brother made me wear them and I don't have enough to buy new ones and I didn't want to burden konan more than I already did

I had breakfast and texted konan while waiting for her to pick me up and go to school together

'This gal better not be late '

She texted saying she was 10 mins away so i just made sure everything was ready like extra makeup,perfume so o can perfect my look and oh my you did

'Just so I can make people see me and want to like me cause I've never felt love only from my best friend konan'

~10 mins later~

'She's here'

Konan arrived and i hopped in the car with her

"Thxs" you say while entering the car
"No problem " she answers

'This car is cool I mean super cool'

"Are you excited" i ask board and want to get to school quicker
"A little also love the fit "she says smirking at you

I glare at her and she just chuckled

"Oh Thxs and u" I add changing the subject

"Tar" she says winking at you

We drove of to school

When we arrive I was slightly nervous but that quickly got replaced with excitement

'Calm down y/n'

Me and konan got out of the car and walked into school,the huge blossom trees swaying as we walk past them

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