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I woke up to my phone ringing waking me up earlier than i thought

"Ugh"i moan lying up rubbing my temples while my head is clouded with groggy thoughts

'Who is it at this hour'

I grabbed my phone to see konan calling me

'B*tch again'


You answer

*call starts*

Y-Hello b***h
Y-what's the matter
K-Just wanted to say they have changed the foot ball lesson to swimming

'Great just great'

Y-wait konan you can't-
K-swim I know but I was hoping you could help me
Y-I mean sure if you want me to
K-I feel like it would be embarrassing if I asked anyone else
Y-don't worry biatch I got yo
K-hahahahah ye ok I'll pick you up soon
Y- ok bye

*call ends*

'Ugh just great I like foot ball but oh well swimming it is what a drag'

I have a shower,shave and the usual I find an out fit to wear an pack my swimming stuff I only have a black bikini

'We am allowed them just not allowed the all in one shorts'

(My fit)

(Oversized white jd t-shirt )

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(Oversized white jd t-shirt )

(Black short / cycle or Jean ur choice )

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(Black short / cycle or Jean ur choice )

'Is this better mr uchia the itachi b*stard'

I Put my hair in messy bun and put my glasses on

I Put my hair in messy bun and put my glasses on

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