Garden 💐🌷🌸🌹🌺🌼🐜

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Yeontan pawed at the door. He gave it a push and went inside. He trotted over to the bed and stood on his hind legs, trying to see his new friend. Daisy didn't move. Yeontan yapped and jumped. Slowly Daisy opened her eyes then realised she was in a room she didn't recognise. She sat up fast feeling a little panicked. Yeontan kept yapping and Daisy soon remembered she was . . . home. Her new home.

Daisy got out of bed and got dressed. She and Yeontan went into the kitchen, where Taehyung sat at the kitchen island sipping coffee.

"Good morning, sleepy head" Taehyung smiled, ruffling Daisy's hair.

"Morning, Appa" Daisy replied as she sat down.

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"Toast with peanut butter, please."

Taehyung put the toast on an ordinary plate and water in an ordinary glass.

Daisy looked a little disappointed.

"What's wrong, Flower?"

Daisy looked down and mumbled, "Nothing".

Taehyung leant down. "You can tell me."

"At home ... the other home, they had Bluey plates."

"Ah, Bluey plates. We can get you one when we are at the shops."

"Can we go to today?", Daisy looked hopeful.

"Not today, Flower. Appa has to do some work. After breakfast you can explore the garden."


After breakfast Taehyung sat outside working on his laptop while Daisy and Yeontan played fetch.

"This garden would be a great place to have a tea party", Daisy told Yeontan.

She got the tea set from her room and set everything up on the grass. Yeontan of course, was given a cup. Daisy went to the outdoor tap and filled the tea pot with water. She poured it into Yeontan's cup. Yeontan was thirsty from playing fetch and began lapping the cool water.

Daisy squealed.

Taehyung, who had been on a phone call, shot up from his seat and dashed over to see what was wrong.

"Look Appa", Daisy smiled. "Yeontan is drinking the tea!".

Taehyung sighed, finished his phone call then joined in the tea party. Yeontan began taking a nap.

The tea party was going well until Daisy screamed, dropping her cup and spilling water on herself. Yeontan woke up with a yip.

Ants where crawling all over one of Daisy's legs. Taehyung helped her brush them off.

"I don't want to do tea party anymore", Daisy huffed and crossed her arms.

"Let's pack up and have lunch", Taehyung said picking up a tea cup.


After eating lunch Daisy felt much happier and watched some cartoons. "Bluey" of course.

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