chapter 13

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I would just like to apologise for abandoning this story lmao, been doing a lot of overtime at work and only playing valorant in my spare time. Genuinely forgot I was writing this. Hope ya'll enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 13

Dee woke up to a shining beam of light that cracked through the blinds. Her eyes squinted and her head pounded. Her mind searched for where she was and why she felt so sick. When the memories of the night before flashed through her brain like a montage. She groaned rolling over realising that his side of the bed was empty. Despite the hangover she was experiencing she couldn't help but smile at what happened at the end of the night.

They kissed each other, while it was a drunk kiss it was still something that happened. They kissed and it didn't lead to a one night stand. This got Dee's hopes up a little bit, maybe this meant they could be something more?

But the doubting voice in her mind was starting to speak louder again, and the combination of her churning stomach made her anxiety rise.

It probably didn't mean anything. She's drunkenly made out with many of her friends before. It was just a drunken kiss. Running her hands through her hair she quickly chucks it into a ponytail. Dee jumps out of bed, pulling her shirt down ensuring she was covering herself. It was quite a chilly morning and she noticed a pair of sweatpants laid out on the bed. Dee smiled to herself knowing Corpse had left them out for her. Dee stumbled into them. Still feeling a little dizzy from the night before. She anxiously walked out into the kitchen, but Corpse wasn't there. Despite him not being there she made herself a cup of coffee and searched his apartment for him. Of course, the last room she'd search, his office/studio would be where he was hiding out. Though the room had been heavily sound proofed, Dee could hear the faint sounds of a beat playing through the walls.

Of course. The man never stops working.

Dee knocked on the door, loud enough so Corpse would know she was there. Dee didn't want to intrude on him, or accidentally hear something he wasn't ready to share. She waited for the music to stop and knew that was her cue to enter. Corpse immediately looked up at her as she entered, a small smile forming on his face. Dee blushed suddenly feeling the shyest she's ever felt. Corpse gestured for her to come sit next to him and so she did, slightly snuggling her head into the crook of his neck. Corpse attempted to clear his throat, the pain killing him.

"I erm, had a really great time last night." Corpse struggled to say through the pain.

"Me too." Dee smiled up at him.

"You're really a great friend Dee, I'm so grateful we met." Dee's smile slightly faltered as her heart sunk lower than it ever had before. Friend. Exactly as Dee had predicted but somehow, she still felt like falling apart. Despite knowing in her mind that everything that happened last night was just as friends she felt like crumbling into a million tiny little pieces.

"You too." Dee cleared her throat, trying not to cry.

"Um, I, I have to go but, I'll uh I'll call you okay." Dee scrambled out of her seat and made her way to the door. Corpse stood up, looking confused about what had just happened.

"Um, okay, well at least let me walk you to the door."

"No, don't stress, I know where it is by now." Dee tried to joke, a small sob came out but she tried to play it off as a laugh. Corpse didn't seem to notice.

"Okay, I'll uh see you later." He says awkwardly, eyebrows furrowed in his thoughts trying to figure out what just happened.

"Yup, don't work your voice too hard today, Corpse, please." Dee barely looked at him, knowing she was two seconds away from a breakdown.

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