Chapter 3 - Getting Along

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"Diiil!" Tommy called out as he and his friends raced out into the backyard to find his baby brother laughing along with a Dalmatian puppy. This one in particular was much smaller than the other ninety-nine pups and completely lacked in spots, thus making her fur a clear white. She wore an orange collar with a bone on the front. Dil looked at the doorway Tommy had entered the yard from as he smiled and his eyes widened.

"Tommy! Tommy!" Dil exclaimed happily as he stretched his arms out to reach him as Tommy walked over to him and hugged him. "Phew! I was so worried about you, Dil!" Tommy said in relief as many of the onlooking puppies "Awwwww!"'ed at the sight of Tommy and Dil embracing. Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Spike meanwhile were left speechless as they registered the huge amount of puppies surrounding them.

"...Wow. Whoever lives here must really love puppies." Phil commented.

"Hey... Where is the people who has these dogs anyway?" Tommy asked as he too noticed the armada of Dalmatians, many of which were staring at the babies with intrigue.

"Well, actually we don't have a human owner. Never had one as far as I can remember." Dawkins appeared behind Tommy as he answered his question.

"Wait, you mean that this house is all yours to live in?" Spike asked as he tilted his head in slight wonderment at how such a big family of dogs was capable of living without any human care or assistance.


"That's right!" Dizzy and Dee Dee responded respectively, earning intrigued and impressed looks from the babies.

"Wow! So you get to drink from the potty all day?" Phil asked.

"And dig up flowers?" Lil added with a question of her own.

"And wipe your butt everywhere without getting yelled at?!" Tommy asked, eager to know as his question received a response of confused looks from several of the pups, notably Dylan, Dolly and Dawkins.

"My grandpa always gets mad at Spike when he does that to the floor." Tommy explained after acknowledging what they were asking with their expressions.

"Did someone say "dig"?!" A puppy with fur stained with dirt patches suddenly popped up from the ground between Phil and Lil, the twins in question gawked in awe at this particular pup.

"Neat! You don't even have to take baths either!" Phil exclaimed excitedly as he noticed the muddy stains on the pup who's eyes widened in horror at what Phil had just said.

"B-B-Bath?! No way, jose! I'll never go into that cursed soapy water, ya dig?!" The pup protested before quickly retreating back into the hole as Dylan approached the hole with an irked look on his face as he looked down it.

"Diesel, you ARE going to your regular bath one day, mister! You can't avoid it forever!" Dylan called down into the hole after the pup whilst Phil and Lil laughed at the whole debacle.

"Pfft, why even bother, bro? He'll just get dirty again." Dolly snickered in a matter-of-fact tone before her attention was diverted back to the twins who gasped as Phil reached into the hole and pulled out something and held it between his fingers.

"Wow, that is the biggest worm I had ever seed." Lil said admiringly at the squirming pink insect Phil was holding.

"Well, looks like it's snack time!" Phil declared as he brought the worm to his face.

"Wait, what is he going to...?" Dawkins was about to ask but his words fell as he witnessed Phil put one end of the worm to his lips and slurp it up like a string of spaghetti before swallowing the creature whole in clear view of all of the puppies, many of them had a look of disgusted horror on their faces, especially Dylan and Dawkins.

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