Chapter 6 - Sour Puppies - Part 2

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"This is all your fault!" Pongo said angrily at Missy.

"Is not!" Missy argued back.

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not times a-thousand-trillion!"


"Well, it doesn't matter anyway, 'cause now we'll never get to watch Li'l Thunderbolt anymore!" Missy said with a hint of misery in her tone.

"Yes we will!" Pongo exclaimed, refusing to give up so easily.

"We will?" Missy asked, confused.

"It's our right as puppies to watch our show, and that's what we're going to do! And nobody, not mister Lou, not our mum or dad, not even Clean Lizzybeth is going to stop us! Are you with me?" Pongo asked after his rousing speech to Missy.

"No... But I do want to know what happens next, so I'll do it." Missy answered, a little reluctantly.

Pongo and Missy hopped out of the box and walked over to the closed bedroom door and looked around for something to pry the door open. The former noticed something under Lou's bed and reached under, pulling a screwdriver out with his teeth. He then wedged the end of the screwdriver through the gap between the door and it's frame and pushed, only managing to get it open with Missy's help.

The two padded as quietly as possible along the hallway before they reached the stairs. Missy gulped as the downhill structure made her feel way higher than she was. Pongo also felt anxious as well but tried to not show it so he wouldn't look like a wimp in front of his sister, so he was the first to slowly reach a front paw and press it down on the first step.

Meanwhile, Lou was at the main counter when a connected to the door rang, signifying that a customer had come in. A young man with short blonde hair and a thin build came in with a clock in his hands as he walked up to the counter and placed it down.

"Ah, Roger. What's the problem, this time?" Lou addressed his customer, having no doubt been a regular to his shop.

"I swear this clock was bought only a week ago and now it's not functioning, I don't hear any ticking or anything." Roger responded as he tapped the clock's glass covered face for emphasis.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do about it." Lou replied as he went to work.

Back at the stairs, Pongo had just finally reached the ground floor and turned and looked up to find that Missy hadn't even touch one single stair.

"Come on, Missy! You gotta come down before Lou comes back!" Pongo urged his sister but she didn't budge.

"I-I don't know, what if I slip and hurt myself?" Missy stammered anxiously still under the illusion that the stairs were a lot higher to her than they should be.

"Don't worry, if you fall, I'll catch you, now come on!" Pongo reassured, standing on his hind legs and placing both front paws on the first step. Missy quivered before slowly alternating with either of her front paws on every step. So far so good in fact, she was already halfway down.

...Only for one of her paws to slip, making her lose her footing as she ended up tumbling down the last few steps before rolling right into Pongo, both of them falling flat onto the floor. Missy let out a sigh of relief when she found out that she had ended up unscathed.

"Phew... Thanks, Pongo!" Missy gratefully exclaimed to her brother who was under her from Missy landing on top of him as all he let out was an "Ow...".

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