Chapter 7 - My Fair Tommy - Part 1

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It had only been yesterday when Tommy and his friends met the Dalmatian family and as the babies as usual spent their time in the playpen, Tommy couldn't help but wonder what the family of dogs were currently up to.

"Man, Didi never takes this long to get my food ready. Breakfast time's almost over." Spike commented as he laid on the floor near the playpen, the babies still able to understand what he was saying with the translator devices in their ears.

...Well, except for one.

"What did Spike say, Tommy?" Chuckie asked, having only heard whines come from Spike.

"Oh, he's just wodering when his brekfist is. Why do you ask, Chuckie?" Tommy responded before ending with a question of his own.

"Yeah. That thingie in your ear should let you hear what the doggies are saying." Phil said, referring to the translator devices.

"The thingie?" Chuckie asked before sticking his finger in his ear. His eyes widened as he felt nothing inside it.

"G-Guys! My talking dog thingie is gone!" Chuckie exclaimed in horror.


Meanwhile, it was a whole cacophony of barks, yells, laughter and other dog noises in the Dalmatian household's backyard as Dolly as you'd expect was in on the fun, racing towards a trampoline alongside Dizzy and Dee Dee before leaping up on it to do various pose-jumps.

The backyard next door was rather the opposite in regards to noise levels. The only sound being the chatter between three adults, two of which were Charlotte and Drew Pickles who were conversing with the owner of the house, Hugo whilst his dog, a pampered, snobby and overly spoiled corgi known as Clarissa was sat silently at a table under the backyard's gazebo with a Lhasa Apso and a Pug.

"Honestly, I would've never guessed that I would one day make friends with people from America, let alone one who is such a prime CEO!" Hugo complimented the two, obviously expressing a lot of admiration for Charlotte and her position with a company. The latter however was currently too preoccupied conversing on her cell phone to have acknowledged even a letter to come out of Hugo's mouth.

"Ah hah, well I can certainly say that London is a rather nice place to live in. I can only bet that only the richest of people could possibly live there. I bet that's my brother's dream when he puts "Pickles Toys" on the map." Drew replied, smirking as he mentioned Stu and his current ambition.

Clarissa meanwhile had been barking at Hugo to try and get his attention and to demand him to hurry up with her and her friends' meal to no avail with her owner being occupied with Drew and Charlotte. With her patience run dry, she excused her friends and stormed inside to fetch their food herself.

Near the backdoor of Clarissa's house, Angelica was pacing around as she looked at the many flower beds that surrounded the patio before looking up at the house in question with a grin as she looked down at her doll.

"Breadtaking, isn't it, Cynthia? When I finally become pincess, I'm gonna have a big house like this with so many flours and I'll make those dumb babies water them envyday!" Angelica said to her doll with a chuckle when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye just next to the fence, which sported a hole large enough for someone to fit a finger through. She knelt down and picked it up to get a better look, immediately recognising it.

"What is uncle Stu's inbenshun doing here?" Angelica wondered to herself before sticking it into her ear to see if it worked.

"Honestly, if one is to get her daily supplements especially on a day with her companions, then one should NOT have to do everything herself!" Angelica suddenly heard an uptight lady's voice behind her, making her turn around to see who it was that spoke but only saw Clarissa glancing back at Hugo with a scowl on her face.

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