Chapter 4:

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"Think about this Kuai, we are testing your people on how they react to being with out your leadership." There was a soft whisper.

"You kidnapped me whenever they needed me most." A curt reply.

A shuffle around on the bed. "But, it seems you've already forgotten about things. I need your help just as much as you need mine."

"And you want what? Free admission to a clan that hated your people?"

"No. No. I want you Kuai. All of you."

There was movement then, a man above me. His skin a dark tan and his eyes furious bright.

"A...all of me? You must be confused. Mistaking me for my brother or something." My voice rose a pitch.

"You, Kuai. Only you." He leaned down, pressing his lips to my forehead.

"Since when did this happen? A man falls for a man?" I bark out, putting my hands against his bare chest.

He laughed, soft rumbles shook his body. "Since I've encountered you."

My cheeks burned red. "You lie." I said, turning my head away.

"Never to you." His hand tapped my face.


"What are you doing? Stop it." I moved my arms to block his hands, yet they kept tapping.

"Kuai? Are you awake Kuai?"

"I've been awake! Where have you been?!" I yelled.

"You've slept for too long. Get up." Hanzo shook me softly.

I haven't been asleep though...

The shakes got rougher. Callused hands gripped my shoulders.

"Tundra! Get up!" A voice yelled.

I jerked up, my head colliding with another.

"Ah! Ow. Owowowow. Remind me not to do that again." There was a soft touch. "Are you hurt?"

I shook my head. "Bad dream." I pushed his hand off. Then, got out of the bed. I paused.

Where were we?

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