1. Jeon Jungkook

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Until a repetitive sound of pen clicking starts to resonate around the room.

Filling the dullness of Jungkook's afternoon. He continued on clicking the pen, mindlessly staring into air. He just finished signing some documents and checking some paperworks, proposals, and other workload of shits. His head slightly aching from all the reading and thinking that he had done.

Putting the pen on his table, he gently massages the temple of his forehead using his also tired fingers,
surely his fingers aches because of all the typing and writing if necessary.

I mean it's not new for Jeon Jungkook to be in a position where he ends up draining his energy, well he's an ace afterall. He was born and set to be an ace. And it wasn't that bad because Jungkook knows it himself that he's good at doing whatever he pleases. He's good at almost everything, but the thing is his parents,they have their names praised literally everywhere, being the talk of the town, being in the news. Their family, as we can say, is a whole package of hardworking and perfectionist people.

His mom is a famous fashion designer, haves her own clothing line where the clothes are too extravagant, too expensive, for the majority of people's broken ass.

And there is his dad being a CEO of a fashion magazine company, that releases some fashion trend, clothing styles, various collection of clothing from season to another season, handling some endorsements too, having some models to sign contracts too, his wife's clothing line being a source of they're model's clothes occasionally is also a big catch and income of money for the Jeons.

Having that kind of family adds more pressure to Jungkook to do better, his success will reflect in his family's reputation for sure, maybe that's the reason why Jungkook's dad, Mr. Jeon, drag Jungkook to train and to work at their company immediately after his graduation.
He finished his studies with a degree in business management, and his dad already wanted him in the company.

It's not like his dad is old and dying...

But Mr. Jeon made it clear from the start how big of a responsibility this company is, and he wants Jungkook to experience not just it's success but also it's struggle. He wants his son to always be prepared, but above all of this he trust his son, his son has always been a responsible man, and he knows that he will always do great, best, even.


The sound of his phone disrupted him from spacing out, peeking at the caller's ID and seeing his girlfriend's name, he smiles tiredly and immediately picked it up

"Jia?" He stars with a smile

"Hey babe, it's lunchtime already, and I'm just gonna check if you're eating because I know you always skips lunch because of work" Jia sweetly points out

"Oh, yeah, i didn't notice the time, but don't worry I'll eat, already finished tons of my work anyways" Jungkook replied.

"Mhm, make sure you won't drown yourself in too much work, mkay?" Jia reminds him

"Yes ma'am I won't forget it, thank you for the reminder" he jokingly responds, causing Jia to chuckle

"Okay bye I'm gonna go out now, I have to run some agendas, i love you!" Jia said

"Yeah, love you too" Jungkook replied before ending the call

Stretching on his chair he decided to go out and eat, but frankly if Jia didn't called him,he would've skipped his lunch, Jia is right, maybe he really is being too workaholic, thank God he has Jia, she just always knows what to say and what to do.

They've been dating for 3 years, well Jungkook and Jia met because of their family, they started dating when they were 23 and now after three years Jungkook never felt ungrateful for having Jia, he loves her, really.

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