99th precinct

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I walked through the elevator doors of the 99th precinct to be greeted with all eyes on me. I understand that I'm new, but I didn't want everyone staring at me as soon as I walked through the doors.
"Ah, you must be y/n y/l/n? Correct?"
The person who I assume was my new commanding officer, captain Holt, said to me while walking out of his office and taking his glasses off
"I am, that's correct." I replied, all eyes still on me, it's like time had stopped as soon as I walked through those elevator doors.
"Everyone," the same man said "This is y/n y/l/n, she is our new detective, she transferred here from the..." he trailed off
"64th precinct" I replied
"64th precinct" he repeated "I hope for you to treat her with the same amount of respect as you did for me on my first day" he looked down at a man with hazel hair and deep brown eyes, making an awkward looking face up at him, 'well, the respect that most of you showed me' he added while shaking my hand. He showed me to my desk and walked back into his office.
My desk was opposite a dark haired woman with dark brown eyes who said her name was Rosa, she pointed around the room and named the people sitting at their desks. "That's Amy, Jake, Sergeant Terry Jeffords, Hitchcock, Scully and Charles Boyle," she said and I followed her hand with my eyes to each person she was pointing at. "And that is-" she continued before she got cut off by "Gina Linetti, the human form of the 100 emoji" The lady said as she held out her hand for me to shake.
"How did you get there so fast?" I asked and she replied with "magic" before walking over to-who I assumed was boyle, going off of what Rosa told me- desk.

Nothing much happened that day, other than Rosa smashing a printer because it wasn't working. I formally introduced myself to the team, they all seem pretty nice. I didn't have very much work to do as it was my first day, mostly just paperwork.
I was about to exit the bullpen when I was stopped by Jake asking if I wanted to go to Shaw's with them, he said it was this bar that they hang out at after work, so I accepted, I thought I could get to know the team more.

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