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I got off of my MV Agusta F4CC and walked into the bar. I saw Rosa sitting at a table so I went and sat on the seat next to her.
"Hey" I said
"Oh hey y/n"
I watched as Amy walked over to sit down next to us.
'Hey, your y/n, right?'
'Yep, that's me' I replied and smiled at her
'it's great to have another girl on the team, girl power!' she shouted, obviously a little tipsy, but i appreciated the sentiment.
rosa must have noticed the helmet i walked in with and said, rather enthusiastically "you ride?"
"yeah, do you?" i said back
"obviously, it's- "
"the only efficient way to get round new york!" we both said at the same time, i laughed and so did rosa. *this is not how i saw her in the precinct* i thought.
soon after, Jake joined us at the bar and asked for a beer.
"welcome to the party pal" he quoted.
i laughed as die hard was one of my favourite films. rosa rolled her eyes and said "you better get used to that, quoting die hard is just about the only thing Jake knows how to do"
i laughed again and ordered myself a beer
"do you want anything?"
"i'll order myself a beer in a minute, it's fine"
"two beers please" i turned and faced rosa, sliding some money on the counter "on me" i looked at her with a cocky smile.
"you really don't have to"
"no it's fine, gotta do something nice to make a good impression" i winked as hank, the bartender, put two beers on the counter. i took mine and told rosa i'd see her later after she thanked me for the beer.
i went over to sit in a booth with captain holt, "how was your first day?" he asked.
"it was great, i'm exited to get to know the team more, they all seen much nicer than my team in the six-four." i replied
"im glad your settling in nicely" holt replied "i think you'll fit in well" he added with a small smile "it was nice talking but i must get back to Kevin and cheddar, see you tomorrow detective y/l/n" i mirrored the compliment and said my goodbyes and he got up to leave.
the night was dragging on and it was getting late, i walked over to rosa and amy and told them i was leaving. they both said goodbye and that they'd see me tomorrow. i shouted my 'thank yous' to hank and walked out of the bar. i got back on my bike and drove home.
*tonight was great* i thought to myself getting into bed.

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