After V for Valentine-detta|Au1

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It was a known fact Tina had a crush on Jimmy jr. Tina had been pining for the boy for years, and they had an on and off-again relationship, which Tina didn't mind until finally, her heart couldn't take it anymore. Jimmy jr had asked out Becky instead of her. It wasn't that Jimmy jr didn't ask her; it was the fact that she gave him a frame with a picture of them, and he had replaced it with a picture of Becky. It was around ten-thirty when Tina and her family finally made it home from their valentines adventures. While the rest of the Belchers were fast asleep, she was wide awake. Tina was writing fanfiction on her desk when she heard the sound of pebbles knocking on her window. Tina walked over only to be looking down at the one and only Jimmy jr.

"Jimmy jr?" She questioned as she cracked open her window.

"Hey, Tina, can we talk?" He slightly whispered and motioned Tina to come down. Tina contemplated for a few seconds before she made her way down.


Tina creaked open the door downstairs.

"Hey, Tina," Jimmy jr said, rubbing at his neck.

"Hi, Jimmy jr, uh, w-what are you doing here?" Tina asked, avoiding eye contact; she couldn't look into his gorgeous green eyes after everything that happened tonight.

"Listen, Tina, I'm sorry I used the special frame you gave me and replaced the picture with a picture of Becky. I don't know what I was thinking, I know that was a pretty jerk move of me, I'm sorry, and I'd like to make up for that," Jimmy jr said.

"Well, Jimmy jr, you hurt me," Tina said with sad and droopy eyes that made Jimmy jr's heartache.

"Yeah, I know," Jimmy jr said, frowning.

"But you didn't just hurt me, you hurt Becky too, so if you apologize to Becky tomorrow at school, I'll consider forgiving you," Tina said, finally looking up to Jimmy jr.

"Really?" Jimmy jr asked hopefully.

"Yes," Tina said while pondering if Jimmy jr would do all of that to get back into her good graces.

"Consider it done, tomorrow then, during passing period?" Jimmy jr asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there, uh, goodnight?" Tina said, not knowing what to do now.

"Yeah, goodnight, oh, and I know it's last-minute, but I wanted to give you something here," Jimmy jr handed Tina a valentines gift.

"A notebook?" Tina said, gazing down at the book; it was white and covered in hearts with the words, happy Valentine's Day, in the middle. The gesture made her pulse pump a little faster.

"Wow, I don't know what to say, uh, thank you?" Tina said, flustered while twirling her hair with her pointer finger.

"It was nothing; I was hoping you'd like it, you like to write after all, but guess I'll be off then, uh, bye," Jimmy jr waved and finally walked away. Meanwhile, Tina walked back into her home and went up to her room. She sat at her desk, staring at the notebook Jimmy jr had given her. Tina let out a sigh; maybe things between her and Jimmy jr could work out?

Jimmy jr x Tina Where stories live. Discover now