Officially dating|Au2

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You can do this, Tina!
You can!
Okay, here goes nothing!

"Uh, hey, Jimmy jr, I wondered if you were free this afternoon?" I asked with my hands behind my back and fingers crossed, hoping he'd say yes.

"Sure, Tina, I'll see you later, uh, pick you up after fourth then?" Jimmy jr asked, turning to leave. I just nodded to say yes.

|Time skip|

"Hi, Tina," Jimmy jr said as he walked up to Tina; truth be told, he had grown out of trying to impress everyone around him, and now Jimmy jr just focused on how Tina felt about him, all good he hoped.

"Hi, Jimmy jr, um, I just wanted to ask you a question, but did you maybe want to go out for a walk at the park with me?" Tina asked as she played with her hair a little.

"Yeah, sure, Tina, uh, let's go?" Jimmy jr said, taking hold of Tina's hand; it had taken some time for him to get comfortable with displaying affection towards Tina, but now Jimmy jr couldn't stop; it seemed like it was just natural to hold Tina's hand in his or to wrap an arm around her when they sit next to each other during outings with the rest of their friends. Either way, he couldn't stop.

|Time skip|

"So, Tina, what did you want to tell me?" Jimmy jr asked.

"Well, it's more of a question, actually," Tina specified.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Well, I think we've been, uh, basically together, but do you want to be officially dating?" Tina said, a bit shy.

Jimmy jr stood there, spacing out until he registered what Tina was asking, and his face went completely red. It felt like something caught in his throat, and he gulped, realizing he'd taken too long.

"Uh, yeah, definitely," He finally said, and before he knew it, she pulled him down for a kiss.

"I'm so happy," Tina said, nudging his nose when they parted.

"Me too," was all he said before he went for another kiss.

Jimmy jr x Tina Where stories live. Discover now