1. Childhood

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Izuku Todoroki and his twin brother Shoto Todoroki were just born. 

His family was overjoyed when they heard that Rei was once again pregnant. But when they saw them, only one caught their eye. 

That was Shoto, his half and  half hair and eyes were so stunning and unique. Whilst the other, Izuku, was instantly despised by all but one from the moment people saw him.

This one person was Touya Todoroki, the eldest, he instantly favored Izuku as he saw everyone else favouring Shoto. He knew that Shoto would steal the attention so he planned to raise Izuku himself. So whilst everyone was fawning over Shoto, Touya was cuddling with Izuku, comforting him as he cried. Touya was alone most of the time, he didn't want that for Izuku.

For the next three years Touya, who was only 8 when the twins were born, had been raising Izuku. 

He bought him birthday gifts, played with him, fed him, did everything a parent should do. At this age Izuku was actually calling Touya "Papa" as he knew no different. He knew none of the others names, he knew they were family but he still never went up to them, even though he was a very curious child with alot of energy. 

For Touya he is 11 as Izuku is 3, he has learnt how to take care of a child, which most people don't have to learn to do till their mid 20's. The two were happy as they were, Izuku was very intelligent so he knew Touya wasn't his real father, but still considered him one.

2 years later and Touya had finally gotten a job so he could support them, it was also around the time when Izuku would be getting his quirk. Izuku had also already been enrolled into a school by Touya. So we now go to his first day.

Touya and Izuku were walking to the school as neither of them could drive and it was pretty close. Izuku and Touya were chatting the whole way, mostly Izuku, although Touya liked listening to Izuku talk, it somehow made him feel happy and de-stressed. When they arrived Touya signed him in and filled out all the necessary forms while Izuku got a tour. 

After the tour was done Izuku said by to Touya as he needed to head to school himself. After Touya had left Izuku walked outside to this calming garden cove thing, after a while he spotted a spikey blond haired boy. Izuku walked up to him in hope of making a friend.

Izuku: U-uh, hello?

Katsuki: What?!

Izuku: W-wanna be friends?

Katsuki: Sure...But promise to never leave me, even if I'm mean!

Izuku: Okay I promise!! But you hav who promise to not leave ME even when I'm annoying or useless!

Katsuki: Ok I promise!!

And that's how their friendship started. For the rest of the day the two played together, finding out alot about each other. But when the end of the day came the two both grabbed their guardians to meet so they can hang out more.

Touya: So you want me to meet this friends parent so you can hang out?

Izuku: Mhm!! Look there he is Kacchan!!

Katsuki: Hey Zuzu!!

Touya: So you must be his friends parent*bows* nice to meet you I'm Touya Todoroki and this is Izuku!

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