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After the Washington Monument incident, Y/N and his friends were back in school. Though, the whole school were hyped of Spider-Man because he's the one who rescued the decathlon team. Right now, Y/N was in the science lab for...science class of course.

"Luckily, Peter was there or else we're gonna die." Gwen said as she poured the chemical into a tube.

"Yeah, well. I guess if Peter didn't come then I need to reveal myself as Scarlet Spider and save you guys." Y/N replied.

Gwen furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh, no, no, no. You can't do that. People gonna know who's the real you under there. And believe me, when superheroes reveal their true selves to the public, things has never been easy for them."

Gwen was right. When superheroes revealed themselves, villains were always taking chances on that such as hurting the people that they loved.

"Yeah, but it was a desperate time." Y/N shrugged. "It's between life and death."

Gwen huffed. "Whatever."

"You seem to know a lot about superheroes stuff." Y/N looked at her with a smirk. "Are you a superhero, Gwen?"

"Oh, please. How do you know I would fit as a superhero?" She asked.

"I don't know. Probably because of your looks. Or...your fearless self that almost stepped in between me and Flash."

"And if I am a superhero, what powers should I have?" Gwen crossed her arms. Y/N put his hand on his chin and began to think for a while.


"Spider-powers." Y/N replied confidently. Gwen giggled and shook her head before continuing the experiment. Y/N's phone got a notification. He pulled it out and saw it was Peter who's texting him.



Meet me at the bathroom

I think I got something from that vulture guy

Y/N sighed before replying.


Yeah sure

I meet you there

Y/N told Gwen that he needed to meet Peter at the bathroom. He then told the teacher that he just 'received a call from his aunt that someone close to their family died' which is obviously a lie. He exited the lab and went to meet Peter before the two of them quietly left the school to find a lead for the vulture guy.

• • •

Aaron Davis was walking to his car with a plastic of groceries in hand. He opened the car trunk and placed the groceries in it. Before he can close it, a web got shot to his hand, leaving the man's hand stuck to it.

"Remember me?"

Aaron turned his head and saw Spider-Man and Scarlet Spider walked to him. Weirdly enough, Spider-Man's voice was different than usual.

"Whoa, hey, hey." Aaron stammered.

"I need information. You'll give it to me now."

"All right, chill."

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙋𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙍-𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙎 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now