𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳

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It has been a week since Felicia Hardy-Parker was transported back to her universe. It has been a week since she last saw Y/N. She smiled upon memories of her and Y/N. To her, it was beautiful. Even though her Y/N was gone, she was still happy seeing another Y/N in another universe, alive and well.

Felicia was watching Attack of the Clones on the television in the living room. The movie was actually her Y/N's favorite. He said that the movie was amazing but Felicia knew it was a lie.

She knew her husband watched it because of Natalie Portman. Specifically her clothes during the fight at the arena. Her in the white suit, her midriff exposed while she was kicking asses.

Felicia gotta admit it, she liked it as well. She was actually attracted to both men and women, and her Y/N surprisingly supported it.

She grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl as she watched Jango Fett's head was cut off by Mace Windu.

Suddenly, a knock on the door can be heard. Felicia groaned as her movie time was interrupted.

She walked up to the door and unlocked it before opening. Her eyes widened upon seeing the figure who was standing in front of her home.

E/C eyes, H/C hair that Felicia recognized dying it and a face that she knew all too well.


Y/N Parker, her husband, stood in front of her. Alive.

Felicia went closer to him, cupping his face. Her voice began to break as she spoke.

"Is this...real?"

Y/N smiled. "Yes, my love."

Felicia smiled teary and hugged her husband tightly, sobbing onto his chest. Y/N wrapped his arms around his wife, giving a kiss on top of her head.

Her husband was alive. Her Y/N was alive. And she was grateful for it.

• • •

Y/N and Gwen were at the cemetery, visiting May's grave. It was hard for the teenager to accept her lost, but all he can do is move on.

Y/N walked towards May's grave as Gwen stayed behind, talking to her dad on the phone. The teenager looked on and noticed someone in front of May's grave.

He decided to stand next to the stranger, looking down at the grave.

"How'd you know her?" Y/N asked the stranger.

"Through Spider-Man." He replied. "You?"

"I'm her nephew."

There was a moment of silence between the two. Y/N then began to speak.

"I, uh...I lost someone important to me back then. It felt like this." He told him, mentioning the lost of his mentor, Tony Stark, who died saving the world.

Y/N continued. "After my parents died, May took me in and raised me. I...can't thank her enough for that. It hurts for me after they've gone, and it's more hurt when we realized what they were fighting for. And you will wonder, will all of the effort just gone?"

"It's not gone." The stranger replied. "Everyone that she helps, they'll keep going."

The teenager looked at the stranger. "You really thought so?"

"I know."

Y/N smiled and nodded. The stranger reciprocated it as he excused himself.

"Take care of yourself." He spoke.

"Yeah, you too." Y/N said. "Nice to meet you."

The stranger walked away, leaving Y/N alone. He sighed and knelt in front of the gravestone, placing a hand on top of the stone. His eyes fixated on the writings on the stone as he began to read silently.

May Parker

When You Help Someone, You Help Everyone

Y/N exhaled deeply and cried silently.

"I miss you, May."

• • •

Scarlet Spider was swinging through New York, Christmas decorations had been placed around the city.

He was in his new red-and-black suit that was designed by Gwen herself. His mask was also equipped with police radar, radio and Bluetooth, courtesy of Ned. He also can make a call using the mask.

He stuck himself to the side of a building, overlooking the city of New York.

He let out a sigh of happiness and leaped off, continued swinging through the city

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He let out a sigh of happiness and leaped off, continued swinging through the city.

As he passed through a dark alley, he can hear some commotion. He swung and looked down, seeing drugs being dealt with two group of people.

"Maximum effort." He breathed out and dropped down into the alley. The dealers were shocked upon seeing the Scarlet Spider.

"Take him down!" One of them, probably the leader, exclaimed.

Y/N got into a stance and engaged the goons. He webbed two of them onto the wall, another two was knocked out cold and the last one was roundhouse-kicked on the jaw by Y/N.

The leader looked at his downed goons. He then decided to run away.

"Oh, no. You don't!" Y/N exclaimed.

Before he can shoot his web at the last man, the leader was suddenly got hit by a baton. The weapon ricocheted from the floor to the wall and went straight ahead to Y/N, but the boy ducked and the baton finally being caught by its owner.

Y/N panted and looked at the downed leader from afar before turning back to the figure. They were a female, wearing a combination of light grey, and grey for a suit. She also wore a domino mask to hide her identity. A noticeable patch was on both of her shoulders. A S.H.I.E.L.D. logo.

"Nice throw." Y/N remarked.

She smirked and kept her baton away. "Thanks."

Y/N's eyes widened behind the mask, as in he recognized the voice.


The girl's smirked became bigger, fully knowing that Y/N has now identified her.

"Hey, Scarly." Isabel greeted. "And please. During work, don't call me by my real name..."

She turned around to walk off, but glanced at Y/N by her shoulder to speak to him.

"Call me Mockingbird."


𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙋𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙍-𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙎 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now