068. "this is me praying that this was the very first page"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

◁                            Ⅱ                             ▷

All it takes is one more step

And then I'm here!


          AS SOON AS LUCIA WOKE up, Harry immediately kissed the crown of her head before running out to tell the Healers and Dumbledore, leaving Lucia slightly in a daze. She woke up. She actually woke up.

Maybe the world didn't suck that much...

Nah, it totally did.

Anyway, at least this was their compensation. She was alive.

Harry watched, heart thumping as Lucia was approached by Healers to see whether she was stable enough while he stood with Dumbledore at the corner of the hospital room. Harry wanted to have her in his arms. He wanted to relish every single moment he has with her and never let her go again.

Once the Healers finally left, Lucia achingly propped up against her pillow as the colour took its time to return to her face, in contrast of when they first arrived her. Harry would have already gone to her and kiss her, but if it weren't for Dumbledore...

"How are you feeling, Miss DiFiore?"

Lucia smiled softly like she didn't just die and came back to life. She was all perky and beaming at the said professor. "Perfectly fine. Actually, it felt like I finally got a good night of sleep!"

"Let's be grateful that you didn't sleep for forever," mumbled Harry.

Professor Dumbledore shook his head, smiling. "The Healers informed that you may take off that whenever you feel uncomfortable."

"Really?" she beamed, and Dumbledore nodded. "Yes!"

Frankly, she was bracing herself. She was really hopping there was no scars, as she didn't think she could quite handle the Beaumonts wrath. Yet, at the same time, she couldn't find much urge to be nervous of their wrath. In comparison to before, their anger... their threats... it felt emptier now.

Was this how it felt to be freer?

Lucia unwrapped the bandage gently around, Harry helping her setting it down on her bedside table. She ruffled her now untamed hair around before setting out a quiet exhale. "So? Anything wicked on my head?" she asked.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now