Rating ships w/ Duncan

127 1 8

Dawncan: Dawn and Duncan
Will it work : No
Why : I just can see it
Score : 2/10

Doey: Duncan and Zoey
Will it work : No
Why: I can't see this one either
Score : 2/10

Deather: Duncan and Heather
Will it work : maybe
Why: I mean they both are bold and cause a lot of drama
Score: 6/10

Duncney : Courtney and Duncan
Will it work : meh
Why : so yk it's the typical opposites attract but it's kinda toxic ngl
Score : 6/10

Dungitte: Bridgette and Duncan
Will it work : maybe
Why : if Geoff or Courtney wasn't there then I could see it
Score : 6/10

AleDuncan : Alejandro and Duncan
Will it work : I think so
Why : if they were both willing to come out then yes
Score : 7/10

Duntrent: Duncan and Trent
Will it work : maybe
Why : they have a common ex to hate
Score : 4/10

Dunno: Duncan and Noah
Will it work : dunno
Why : I just like the name
Score: Dunno

Djentonoco :  Duncan, Dj, Trent, Noah, Owen and Cody
Will it work : No
Why : there is so many things wrong with this-
Score : -1/10

Why was their so many for Duncan I didn't even do them all- I just want Duncan to be gay tbh

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