Rating ships w/ Noah

116 0 5

AleNoah : Alejandro and Noah
Will it work : No
Why : the hate they show is too much for haters to lovers :(
Score : -1/10 :(

Team Escope : Eva, Noah, Izzy
Will it work : meh
Why : I just can't see Noah and Eva in a relationship tbh
Score : 5/10

Noco: Noah and Cody
Will it work : pls so
Why : Just the scenes they have together r iconic
Score : 9/10

Dunno: Duncan and Noah
Will it work : dunno
Why : I just like the name
Score: Dunno

Djentonoco :  Duncan, Dj, Trent, Noah, Owen and Cody
Will it work : No
Why : there is so many things wrong with this-
Score : -1/10

Aleduncoah : Alejandro, Duncan, and Noah
Will it work : No
Why : accident waiting to happen
Score : 0/10

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