H-Bomb : Heather and Harold
Will it work : No
Why : the whole jet ski thingy incident
Score : 0/10Deather: Duncan and Heather
Will it work : maybe
Why: I mean they both are bold and cause a lot of drama
Score: 6/10AleHeather = Alejandro and Heather
Will it work : Definitely
Why : They are the same person but different genders and one can communicate with others. This is more powerful then Alecourt
Score : 10/10Heathney: Heather and Courtney
Will it work : yes
Why : during times they were so supportive of each other even though it was for tactic it was great
Score : 8/10
Total Drama Opinions
FanfictionMe and what I think of the Total Drama series. Includes ships, friendships, favorite episodes and characters, least favorites, overhyped characters, etc.