Y/n has a new family

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"This is your new beginning Y/n. I want you to be happy here and I hope you are."

Y/n pov

Tae Tae has been so kind and supportive ever since I met him. When he rubbed circles into my lower thigh in the taxi it made me feel like I was on cloud 9. 

I am super excited to get to know Tae Young more and his family. I wonder what his room looks like? 

"Come on dove, we have a lot of stuff to do today," Tae says nonchalantly, meanwhile I am freaking out that he called me a dove! His favourite animal he compared to me! The thing he holds most dear to him. My heart is racing so fast it feels as if it's about to take flight.

He opens the door for me like a complete gentleman and takes my bags from me. As I walk in multiple people notice me while having their breakfast.

"WOAH! Tae is that your girlfriend?" someone says

his younger sister, Emilie shouts " Aren't you one of your friends sitting at a booth with you the other day?"

An older guy then says "calm down everyone, now Tae Young who is this girl?"

"Oh, she is my new band member but something with family came up so is it alright if she stays with us? She agreed to work if she is allowed and everything!" Tae pleaded with his using his puppy eyes by widening his eyes and sticking his bottom lip out to make a pout. This is the first time he used his puppy face in front of me and oh I thought I would faint right then and there. He is so adorable!!! the family looked more than pleased to have me here.

"Of course, she can stay but we don't have extra rooms so she will have to stay in yours" The oldest woman replied lightly.

" Y/n I am Tae Youngs Grandma but please call be either nan or Kiran." The older woman spoke again. 

"Oh! I am his mother and this is his father, we would be happy to consider you family so please call me Eomma and call him Appa" A woman with light red hair and dark circles under her kind brown eyes mentioned referring to an older man with a droopy face and a sweet, kind smile.

Emilie once again shouts "You know me!"

Then Tae starts saying that we should go upstairs to reorganize his room. I thank everyone for letting me stay as I feel I have barged into their home and we run upstairs to Tae's room with him somehow running yet still hauling two massive suitcases. He brings me into his room and...

It is adorable. The room is square-shaped and decently big with off-white coloured walls and fairy lights on every wall. There is a double bed on the back right corner walls with light yellow bedding and three adorable teddy doves and above the bed sits a shelf and a k-pop poster. In the left corner of his back wall, there is a small desk with several pieces of music pinned up on the wall and a few posters. Then I see possibly the best part of his room a dressing table with a massive birdcage containing two doves! I gasped and ran over to them.

"You never told me you had doves, like actual living birds!" I shouted in excitement. He replied by rubbing his neck sheepishly and saying he only fosters doves when they are injured. Which I find EVEN CUTER.

 I've ended up going into full fangirl mode over these birds and then Tae point to an empty section of his room and says that he doesn't have enough space there to put a bed but we can put some shelves and the photo wall on there and maybe even a desk!

I get overwhelmed and tears start pouring out my eyes. "Wait! No, I didn't mean to make you cry! What's wrong? Whatever it is it's nothing we cannot fix together" Tae panics and rushes over to me cupping my cheeks and wiping the tears off my face.

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