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Y/n's pov.

The blue and green bird nuzzles into my face and Tae looks as if he is about to die. His forehead is sweaty and his cheeks, neck, and ear are spread with red.

I giggle and put the dove in a small carrying cage that the vet gave us. I zone out until Jesse snaps me out of my thoughts by saying "Hey Tae, Y/n my fiancé and I were wondering if you wanted to come on a double date to this amusement park with us? You're the only couple I know and my Fiancé wants to get to know the band members."

I clap my hands excitedly and look at Tae and just nod my head with a blush currently being painted onto my S/c cheeks.

"Sure we'll go but when?" Tae asks curiously while I go to grab Tae's hand out of excitement! Jesse tells us that they were gonna go there in about an hour or so since it's still early in the day. This makes a panic rise in me and Tae's eyes widen. "We'll call a taxi and get ready, pick us up at our place?" I rush. Jesse agrees and Tae pays for a Taxi. 

We go outside with me carrying the budgie. He brushes his hand against my back subtly, giving me butterflies. He goes to put his hand round my waist and he pulls me closer, making me even more red and awkward.

My heart is beating fast, my palms are sweaty, my face is getting hot and there's a lump in my throat. Is this what it feels like to feel utterly helpless? I don't know what my mind is doing to me because I met Tae only a few days ago and yet it feels like I want to curl up in a ball and hide from her yet always be close to her at the same time. We are already going on dates and calling each other pet names, for some reason I love it!

It feels like we get each other. If we make bad jokes, we won't have to explain it or when we start using a bad attitude, we would make it up to each other thinking we have done something wrong. But it feels amazing to just have someone get you. It feels like he understands how I feel and like we are there for each other, forever and always.

We hop in the taxi, My sweet angel still having a hand round my waist, almost as if he is scared to ever lose me. Turns out I am right when he kisses my cheek softly and murmurs through it "You'll never leave me, right my gorgeous dove?" I turn to face him and he has a nervous look on him like he thinks I'm going to say no to him. "Of course, not my love," I whisper back while taking his spare hand, the one that isn't on my waist. "You gave me a home Tae Young, I can't imagine a future without you holding my hand. You are the light of my life Tae Tae and you will be forever." I finish off firmly, looking him in the eyes to show him I am completely serious with words. 

He stutters and trips on his next words and the taxi comes to a stop and we get out I give the driver a tip and he drives away.

As soon as the driver is gone and we are outside the café door Tae looks at me with teary eyes. and tackles me to the ground in a bone-crushing hug. He helps me up and then hugs me once more, with his hands around my neck I put my arms around his waist, stroking his hair in a comforting way.

Tae then says he loves me. My eyes well up with tears, realizing this is the first time Tae has said that to me FIRST. "I love you too baby. " I whisper trying not to let my sobs break my voice apart. He retracts his face from my neck and I see tears running fiercely down his beautiful face. He cups one side of my face with me leaning into his touch. 

"Don't cry dove." 

He whispers slightly before pulling me by the chin into a deep kiss. This kiss is different than the others. It seems to be filled with passion and thankfulness as Tae breaks us apart for only a second, looking into my eyes as if to be searching for something, before smashing our lips back together once more. 

The kiss is filled with words and seems to tell me three things.'

'I love you'

'Never leave me'

and finally 'Thank you'

We break apart. and then...

see his whole family cheering inside, looking out the window.





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