𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 3

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"Bracelet... where's my bracelet. This is gonna throw my whole schedule off!" You groaned. You were supposed to be at the bus stop and you knew if you looked for your bracelet any longer your mom might find out and get upset about you messing the schedule up. You decided to leave without the bracelet even though you were upset, the punishment for messing up the schedule would be worse. Walking outside and waiting for the bus was like everyday. You got on the bus, sat at seat #13, and took that little bit of time you had for yourself and read a book that YOU picked out because YOU wanted to read it.
The school day was the same as every other day too.
It was just-
8:33 am
go to first period(english)
9:16 am
go to second period(Math)
9:53 am
go to third period(art)
10:42 am
go to fourth period (history)
11:25 am
go to fifth period(study hall)
12:09 pm
Go to the library recess, no time to eat, just study
Well that was until 12:53
Like every other day you leave class as soon as the bell rings and speed walk to class to avoid to much of a crowd in the halls. You arrive in the library and greet your school librarian with a small wave and a fake smile before taking a seat at the farthest table to the left, all the way in the back..
Then, like you always do, you put your book bag at the left hand corner of the table your sitting at. You then take out your chrome book and do homework,study- well you were trying to at least, until you were interrupted.
"Uh- Hi! How come you don't eat much in the cafeteria? I never see you around, do you usually sit around in the library?"
"I-Yea, I do." You say, caught off guard by all the questions. Looking up you noticed it was the same red head from the other day.
"Oh, uh yesterday you ran off before I could apologize for bumping into you, and you dropped this bracelet too!" The red head said giving you the bracket then pulling up a chair.
"You studying math? I'm actually failing.. well not EXACTLY but still failing.. I have a D, mind if I stay here and study with you?!"
She asked in a sweet tone. You thought about how your mom would feel if she knew that you were doing anything other anything that was in the schedule but she was so pretty. You couldn't refuse her, she came all the way here to apologize and give you back your bracelet, it's the least you could do.
"Sure... you can stay..." you said to her.
"Awesome! Thanks!" She replied smiling at you. You couldn't help but get butterflies in your stomach and start to blush while she flashed you that smile. She was just so bright, and you felt so comfortable around her.
But you brushed off the thought and picked your pencil back up continuing to write your notes and do homework, helping the pretty redhead with hers along the way.


𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲(𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now