Amplification Part Two

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There were many positives that came with the transition into a werewolf; the enhanced strength and ability to heal to name a few. And I fully acknowledged that I routinely took advantage of those attributes in my day to day life, not to mention in my extracurricular activities for the pack. But there were also times that being a werewolf was a bitch.

At the moment my biggest complaint was the sensitivity stimuli; the stench of death and sadness that was clinging to the inside of the plastic body bag was causing me to fight the urge to throw up.

Darkness surrounded me like a cocoon as I listened intently to the world beyond what was in front of me and I thought it was a good thing that I wasn't afraid of the dark. Muffled voices caught my attention as I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from yelping in surprise when the body bag I was in was suddenly lifted. My eyes screwed shut as I was gently set down on something hard and I actively fought the urge to adjust my position into one more comfortable.

The sound of a zip echoed loudly throughout the otherwise silent room and I took that as my cue to do the same. I bit my lower lip in concentration as I wiggled my finger into the small hole left in the zipper and gently eased the zip slowly down the length of the body bag until there was enough room for me to fling the plastic off of me.

My sharp inhale echoed throughout the empty morgue, apparently acting as a signal that everything was clear because the three boys immediately started to unzip their own body bags. I rolled my eyes at them, unamused that they had essentially used my as a test canary and sat up on the gurney as I detangled my legs from the black plastic casing. Heavy panting came from three different people as the boys all dramatically removed themselves from the body bags and I wrinkled my nose in disgust at the overwhelming scent of death, sadness and disinfectant.

"Oh, my God! Never. Again." Stiles exclaimed wildly with a grimace as he shook his arms spastically to regain feeling after being locked in a small space and Scott nodded in agreement as he reached into his jeans pocket to grab his cellphone.

"Fifteen minutes starting now." My brother said solemnly with a serious expression marring his features and we nodded in understanding as we started to quietly extricate ourselves from the body bags. It was easy enough for those of us who had werewolf abilities to keep our stability as we climbed out and I hummed in satisfaction as I straightened my shirt from where it has twisted.

A loud 'thump' rang through the otherwise empty room, causing me to spin around towards the direction it came from and a frown touched my lips when I couldn't see Stiles anywhere but then a groan came from the ground where he was sprawled in a mess of limbs. I huffed out a laugh, genuinely amused for the first time in what seemed like weeks, and I walked around to help him up off of the floor.

Stiles flashed me a grateful smile as he dusted off his jeans, causing me to press a quick kiss to his cheek before we both turned around to see Scott pressing his ear against the door that led out to his corridor. I could feel the anxiety emitting from the human next to me and the adrenaline mixed with fear that Liam was trying to mask as he shifted restlessly in front of me. I stepped forward slightly, lifting a hand to rest a calming palm on his back and he immediately settled into my touch.

My brother turned his head back to us with a determined expression, nodding once to silently tell us that the hallway was abandoned. Stiles hurried forward as Scott opened the door, the two of them sneaking out like they were in a Mission: Impossible movie. I huffed in disbelief with shake of my head as I grabbed hole of Liam's arm and dragged him with me out of the room.

Our footsteps were the only sound as we snuck through the general unit towards the gates that led to the closed unit. I made sure to keep the human and the beta in between Scott and myself so that the two of us with the best chance to win a fight were at the outside of the group. I glanced over my shoulder, checking we were in the clear and  I crashed into Liam's back when he came to a abrupt stop. I caught my balance before falling, grabbing his shoulder to keep myself upright and the three boys quickly backtracked so we were huddled in the adjacent corridor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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