Required Reading Part Two

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Authors Note:

Italics – Flashback/Hallucination


"This your fault, Sophie!" Stiles exclaimed pointedly with a dramatic wave of his arm but I just rolled my eyes at him dismissively and pushed past him as we walked down the empty school hallway with an amused Kira and Scott following after us.

"It's not my fault you drive like a little old lady, Stiles." I countered sarcastically as I threw a smirk over my shoulder at him and he gaped at me in shock for a moment before shaking himself out of it as he hurried to catch up to me.

"I do not! First, you took forever getting ready, and then you forced us to stop for coffee – "

"And muffins."

"- and muffins. Do you know how long that took? I could've been driving a V8 engine and we still would've been late to class."

"Stiles, I don't understand why you're complaining. I look pretty, we got delicious coffee and muffins, and we're not even running late to class, so why the babbling?" I asked him in complete befuddlement as I came to a stop in the middle of the corridor, a confused frown on my lips as I spun around to look at him with my head tilted to the side in question. His mouth open and closed a few times as he tried to form an argument in his favour while I waited impatiently with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Okay, guys, no more arguing. Everything worked out and fighting is just going to make us late for class." Scott mediated soothingly as he took a step towards us, his hands raised in mock surrender and an amused grin on his lips. He was far too used to intervening when Stiles and I started to bicker about absolutely nothing, it normally started out as a friendly debate but evolved into an all-out fight that consisted of me throwing things at him until he gave in.

"I wasn't even doing anything!" I protested in frustration as I stamped my foot like a child with a pout on my lips and Scott sent me a pointed look as Kira held back a giggle at my indignant expression. "Fine. Maybe, I provoked him. A little, tiny bit."

"Maybe, I overreacted. A little, tiny bit." Stiles admitted sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck with a lopsided grin and I returned the smile with a chuckle as I reached over to embrace him tightly. "Alright, alright, get off me, weirdo."

I pulled back from the hug with a giggle but kept my arm linked through his as we turned our attention back to our friends and lent my head on his shoulder with a serious expression as I asked them, "Has anyone suffered any side-effects from the book?"

"No, but what if we need some kind of trigger? Wasn't Malia driving when she remembered the crash?" Scott asked for clarification as he bit his lower lip in confusion and I nodded in acknowledgement as I remembered Malia recollection of events.

"Yeah, but how are we supposed to trigger a memory that we don't remember?" Stiles asked incredulously with a frown as we started walking down the corridor and his eyebrows drew together thoughtfully as he murmured, "Maybe it's a delayed thing. Maybe you have to wait a couple of hours to see what happens."

The florescent lights overhead suddenly flickered on and off again as we came to a complete stop in the middle of the hallway, causing the boys and I to turn our attention to the only one capable of influencing electricity.

Kira's eyes went wide as she glanced up at the ceiling in shock before realising that we were all staring at her accusingly and she immediately started shaking her head profusely as she defended herself pleadingly, "That wasn't me. I swear."

"We keep an eye on each other today, okay?" Scott ordered politely as he wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders and she snuggled into his side with a soft smile on her lips.

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