Getting Ready Pains

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When Georgia asked me to stay last night I was so happy because I really wanted to stay with her as I I wanted to make sure she got a good nights sleep tonight she needs it and she deserves it.

Georgia is still sleeping and I am laying beside Georgia while she sleeps on the phone to my best friend Elizabeth Olsen.

"So you're telling me that you have a little girl sleeping beside you right now?!?"Lizzie exclaims through the phone.

"Yes I do now shut up because she needs this sleep"I shush her and look down to Georgia and see her stirring a little bit.

"Scarlett?"I hear a little voice from beside me, I look to see Georgia looking at me with tired eyes.

"Come here baby, go back to sleep it is very early"I tell her stroking her hair out of her face, she nods and lays her head back down on my chest and soon falls asleep again.

"Was that her?"Lizzie asks through the phone more quietly this time, "Yea that was her, she has been through a lot from a very young age so she needs to gets some rest, she ran all the way from Brooklyn to Manhattan"I tell Lizzie.

"She has some serious strength in her legs if she could do that but why did she run away from her home?"Lizzie asks, "Her mother and father got a divorce when she was 6 years old and her dad got into a car crash when she was 8 and sadly he died and then her mother got pregnant after marrying a new person, she died during the birth but her little brother survived. Her step mother got full custody of them but ever since her step mom and her real mother got together her step mom abused her and yelled at her whenever her mother wasn't around"I take a breath because that's a lot of information to say in one go.

"She and her brother were sent to a foster home and had to be adopted together but no one wanted to adopt her so the foster parents would abuse her and her only until her little brother was sent to another orphanage in Manhattan so she ran away and went to look for him but I found her and brought her back to my house to take care of her. The police said I could let her stay for a week and if she is comfortable with me adopting her and her brother by next week I can adopt her"I tell Lizzie while looking down at Georgia.

"That's terrible what happened to her but I'm glad you want to adopt her she seems like a really nice little girl"Lizzie says through the phone.

"I just want her to feel what love is like again, she lost both of the people that loved her all the way to her bones and I wanna make up for that"I whisper into the phone, I can just tell that Lizzie is smiling like a maniac on the other side of the phone.

"I'm on my way to the airport now anyway so I'll see you in a couple of hours"Lizzie says to me, I say bye to her and hang up the phone.

"Who was that?"I hear a small voice from my chest, I look down to see Georgia only waking up now again.

"That was my best friend Elizabeth Olsen but everyone calls her Lizzie, she is coming to Manhattan today so I was just on the phone to her telling her about you"I explain to Georgia, she nods her head and rubs her eyes before resting her head back onto my chest nuzzling her nose into it.

I laugh slightly watching her do this, "come on let's get up"I tell her patting her shoulder making her groan, she rolls over with her back to me.

"Are you gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?"I question, she just groans in response. "Hard way it is"I say as I lift her up making her squeal, I throw her back on the bed gently before getting onto of her and tickling her.

"OK OK IM UP!"She shouts will laughing, I smile and nod before getting off her, she lays on the bed for a second catching her breath.

"I'm up"She says smiling like a maniac as she gets out of the bed, I hold my hand out for her to take so we can head downstairs and I can start the breakfast.

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now