Telling Everyone

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When I found out I was pregnant with my little baby girl I was so happy but very nervous, I didn't know how I was going to do this when I'm not even 15 yet but mom told me that she will be there every step of the way and so will everyone else.

I just have to tell everyone now, I have to tell my mom's family, my dad's family, the cast and my friends.

I start off with my dad and the twins, they sit down on the couch while me and mom sit opposite them on the coffee table, "Okay I am just going to say it, I'm pregnant and my baby is a girl"I say to them and they all instantly smile, they all stand up and hug me but they are very careful which I love.

"We will support you every step of the way Georgia"My dad says and I smile and tear up a little bit, I really do have a family.

Mom told me that the cast are going to come for dinner tonight so I can tell them when we are having dinner but right now I'm going to tell Daniel hoping he will understand.

"Hey buddy, I have some bug news for you"I say and sit with him on the floor of his bedroom, "What is it?"Daniel asks looking at me, "Well I am going to be having a baby because I'm pregnant"I tell him and he jumps up and hugs me, "Does that mean I get to be an uncle?"He shouts and looks at me again, I nod and he hugs me once again.

"I see someone is excited to become an uncle"Mom says and she smiles at Daniel now jumping up and down, "Ya mommy, I get to be the best uncle ever!"Daniel shouts and I laugh at him before pulling him into a tickle attack and bursts out giggling and tries to wriggle away.

"She is gonna be a great mom"Mom says to dad who is now beside her along with the twins, "She really will, I mean she has already raised Daniel amazingly it's not going to be any different with her little baby girl"Mom says and she leans into dad's side and he wraps his arm around her shoulder as they all watch with a smile on their faces.

- Time Skip To Dinner Time -

"So why are you all being so quiet?"Lizzie asks and everyone nods in agreement, "I have to tell you something"I say and they all look at me worried, "I found out I'm pregnant with a baby girl earlier today"I say and they all look at me shocked but their shocked faces turn to smiles.

"Oh my god I'm so happy for you Georgia, we will all support and help you no matter what right guys?"Lizzie says and she gets up to hug me, everyone nods and I hug Lizzie, "Thank you guys"I say and they all say "No problem".

- The Next Day With Scarlett's Family -

We all walk in and sit down, we are at Grandma Melanie's house and everyone from mom's family is here, I get nervous and I think mom noticed so she grabs my hand.

"Georgia has an announcement to make people"Mom says standing up and pulling me up with her, "I um- I'm pregnant"I say and they all look at me with straight faces, "I'm sorry"I say and look down but then I feel someone hug me and I look to see Grandma, "I'm happy for you honey and I think everyone else is"Grandma says and I look around at everyone smiling, they all congratulate me, "It's a girl as well"I say and they all cheer making me laugh while laying my head on Grandma's shoulder as she continues to hug me.

- Later At Colin's Parents House -

"Hey guys Georgia has something to tell you guys"Dad announces and everyone looks at me, "I'm pregnant and it's a girl"I say and they all stand up and cheer making me smile, they all come and hug me tightly but not too tight because of the baby.

- At School -

"Hey guys I need to tell you something"I say as I walk up to Hannah, Cameron and Marcus, "Yea what do you want to tell us?"Hannah asks looking at me with a smile and the tow other look at me with a smile and nod with Hannah.

"I'm pregnant and it's a girl, I'm 3 months along"I say and Hannah and Cameron scream and hug me and Marcus hugs me when the girls back off and congratulate me.

I can definitely say I have a lot to people to help me through this, I'm not as worried anymore.

817 words

Not proofread

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