taming soul

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Even the most fragile of hopes can keep a heart beating.

Be kinder to the part of you that is still learning and not yet knowing what it's meant to do.

Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said. Most of love is lost.

Forgiving myself for the times I saw the red flags as a challenge, rather than a warning signs.

Drawing a line between what is acceptable and what is not will be one of the greatest things that you will learn in life.

There are some empty spaces that you can't fill in. Remember that you don't always have to force things.

People come and go, not everyone will make it to your future, you can't hold onto them, they are visitors in your life.

Perhaps the problem isn't the intensity of your love but the quality of the people you are loving.

I am so afraid of dissapointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.

Nobody apologized for how they treated me, they just blamed me for how I reacted.

Sometimes you'll find comfort in what your mind says, even if it doesn't fit with the answers that your soul is truly asking for.

But then it passed, as all things do.

Sometimes we focus too much on finding a single way to turn things around, that we forget to treasure the progress we've made all throughout.

Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.

If you can't do anything about it then let it go. Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change.

I hope we all find someone who speaks our language so we don't have to spend a lifetime translating our souls

Just simply being with you is just like a freedom for me.

We might not change the people's perception around us. But they couldn't change the two of us either.

You should find a place that fits you, you will know if you're in the right place, if that place makes you bloom.

I know he is your fish upon the sky... because by the look in your eyes I can see you're longing for someone who can't be yours... but look at me, I'm looking at you in the same way... I gues you will always be my fish upon the sky.

Our hearts feels empty not because we are alone but because we keep pushing ourselves to people on our circles who cannot give us the love we are expecting. Setting expectations sometimes breaks us.

Rules about having a crush... you can get hurt or get jealous but you have no rights to get disappointed.

When you secretly have a crush on someone, you have to always keep that private vibe with you.

If you're still the one dwelling in the past, it only means you're the one who can't let go.

Important things can't be seen by just bare eyes.

You should learn how to meet your lover halfway. Love is not an assumption.

You cannot change the past but you need to come in terms with it in order for you to have a better future.

Nobody wants to be a bad guy if people can choose. Those who are prosperous, they can choose to become good easily. But for those whose lives are messed up, the circumstances made them choose to live in the darkness.

Freedom is the oxygen of the soul

Fair competitions only result from fair rules. What if the rules aren't fair? Is it right to break them?

Circumstances forces people to do something beyond their norms. They left with no choices, but even in the dawn of their lives they will still choose to do good for them to be at peace. Few unconfortable circumstances cannot judge someone else's existence.

All of us have limited time here and your time has ended. Sooner or later makes no difference, death is inevitable & those who are already dead cannot live with those who are living. It's time for you to go and let go.

When you make a decision, don't think of anyone else first, cherish yourself. Do whatever will make you happy.

Feelings are just like flowers, you can ignore it and let it wither or you can take good care of it, norish it and watch it bloom beautifully.

We have so many indifferences that we don't know each other much, but we have a lifetime to learn and grow with each other. We just have to hold on to whatever comes with us.

Don't make love too difficult, make the most out of your time while you are together. Because you never know what's going to happen. Be good to each other so you will not regret it later on.

By accepting each others flaws with love & understanding, only then can the void be filled.

"All of life is an act of letting go but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye."
- Life of Pi

I have no feelings for you, feelings change all the time, they can even disappear. So I stopped having feelings for you long ago. To me, you're a habit now. A habit becomes part of you & it never goes away.

Someone who is ready to use violence to achieve their goal, is a social ill. We should not expect to hear anything reasonable from such a person.

You are naive if you believe that you will get repaid when you showed kindness to someone, life doesn't work like that.

There's no perfect world in the vast multiverse, you cannot distort any of it just to find a perfect one. Every world is perfectly imperfect on it's own, dostorting it will cause the multiverse to collapse on it's own.

One person who stumble on it's way doesn't mean he's lost forever.

The significant memories we could not forget are those painful ones.

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