CHAPTER 2. Cabin In The Woods

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   I had been spoiled my whole life, food, a warm bed, everything I needed. Now I was muddy, trudging through the woods, muttering under my breath and acting very un-princess-like.

My stomach growled loudly and I looked down, sighing heavily. I didn't dare eat anything, even though I had been trained in what to eat and what not to touch in the woods, I hadn't found anything I was sure about yet.

I didn't even know where I was, I knew where I was at first, but after walking all night in the pitch black, I was suddenly aware that I was in the middle of uncharted forest.

I was sure, at any moment, some large beast would jump through the thick vegetation and tear me to shreds.

A hiss left my lips and I looked at my hand, relaxing I had grabbed a thorny branch. I pulled back, gazing at the wound, feeling tears fill my eyes as blood trickled down my wrist.

I didn't like the forest anymore, it didn't seem like a fun place of adventure. I shook my head and ignored the throbbing in my hand, I didn't have time to fret over such a small injury.

It only proved how pathetically pampered I was, and all at once, I was ashamed to even call myself a princess. Jonathan was right, there was no way I could ever rule a kingdom.

I sniffed and pushed through a thick push, stepping into a clearing. My eyes went wide at a massive cabin, a small river trickled in front of it, with a pretty stone bridge.

There was a garden too, watermelons the size of me! My swallow was loud in my ears as I gazed at the beautiful property.

The crunch of a stick made my back stiffen as I froze and slowly turned and- a blood curling scream left my lips.

Large hands grabbed my arms and lifted me up and I stared horrified at the monster who grabbed me. He was clearly over six feet, closer to seven, and he was shaking me around like a rag doll.

"Nemy!" A voice exclaimed and the giant man paused in his shaking. "That's not how we talk to short people, this is how we talk to them," much gentler hands grabbed me, and I was set on a tree branch, now on equal level with the two men.

"Sorry about that," he voice was bright and cheerful, Brown eyes wide with interest. "I'm Asher, and you are?"

The other giant man, Nemy, looked embarrassed, but stared at me, curly hair brushing his forehead in the light breeze.

Give strangers my name after being running from the castle cause my insane step-mom wants me dead? Hell naw,

"Lajila," I lied timidly, shifting in the tree fearfully. My luck had clearly run out.

Asher nodded and looked around in concern before taking in my muddy scraped appearance, clothes ripped and ruined. "You're... lost and alone, aren't you?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and Asher raised his hands. "Never mind, pretend I didn't ask that, do you need help?"

Aaaand here came the waterworks. I covered my eyes with my hands and sobbed into them. "My mom kicked me out, and I got lost in the woods, and I'm-" I stopped as my stomach growled loudly and uncovered my eyes, wiping my cheeks with the back of my palms.

"You're hungry," Nemy said, looking at me with wide and curious eyes.

I nodded and wrung my hands. "I'm sorry for walking on your property," please don't kill me, I added silently.

Asher waved me off and offered me a hand. "Come on then, we can spare some food,"

I nodded, not really having much choice. I could refuse, but Asher seemed nice, and I knew at some point I'd probably starve to death in the woods, or get killed by a bear.

Asher helped me down from the tree and I couldn't help but glance at the watermelons. Mother had never let me try those, said they were too messy. Asher followed my gaze and looked down at me. "Do you want some?"

My cheeks flushed and I glanced at my dirty shoes. "M-may I?" I slowly moved my head up and looked at Asher as he nodded.

"Sure, come on," I followed the two giants through the field and onto the bridge, moving across it, utterly delighted at the sparkling clear water flowing under me.

They opened the door and I felt my lips part at the inside. It was gorgeous, but a mess. And being the pathetic princess I was, it horrified me.

Nemy cleared his throat. "It's a little messy,"

A little?! I wondered and stared at the tracked in mud on the floor and walls, mountains of dishes, and smelly socks on light fixtures.

"It's a lot to keep up with," Asher said sheepishly. I paused, seeing another man, he was on the couch, sleeping. Long lashes and longer blond hair.

"Who's that?" I asked in a hushed voice, looking at Nemy, who looked affectionately at the man.

"That's sleepy, he's sleeping," Nemy said, like what was before me wasn't obvious. I nodded solemnly and shook my head when Asher offered me a bowl of the yummy fruit.

"No thanks, can I clean instead?" I asked and tilted my head to the side when Asher looked stunned and mortified.

"You want to... clean?" He repeated and I nodded rolling up my dirty sleeves.

"Yes please, I can't eat like this, so, can I?" I gazed up at him hopefully.

Asher looked thoughtful. "Tell you what, Lajila, I'll make a deal with you," he paused and knelt down so I was just a little taller than him. "If you do some work for us, you can stay for a couple days, until you make a plan, how does that sound?"

I nodded and looked around at the mess. "Okay, oh, how many... of you live here?" I asked softly.

Asher smiled slightly. "Seven of us, the other four are out,"

Phew, I nodded and grew determined. "You've got yourself a deal," I offered him my hand, and Asher shook it, my hand swallowed by his.

Asher stood and sighed. "I can't with my good conscious let you clean this by yourself, I'll help, where do you want to start?"

I slowly turned in a circle. "Kitchen then a break for food?"

Asher nodded and looked pained as he gazed at the dishes. "Nemy, if we don't make it, bury me under the cherry blossom."

Nemy nodded and watched, but he didn't help. Once we finished the kitchen I tried the fruit, and it was surprisingly sweet.

Nemy = Dopey
Asher = Happy
Sleepy = Sleepy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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