069. "a moment to say I don't owe you a goddamn thing."

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21:12 ─❁────────── 21:79

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"Come on, little lady, give us a smile"

No, I ain't got nothin' to smile about


          THE WHITE AND FLUFFY CLOUDS drifted across the summer sky over the Burrow as the dewy smell mingled in the air through the open window of the Weasley twins' room. Harry Potter sat idly on the windowsill, looking aimlessly with longing out toward the clear summer sky as the snowy owl perched herself on his hand with a letter in between her beak.

Summer had been nothing but uneventful for Harry. He thought things would change once he got back from Hogwarts — well, a lot of things did change, but one thing that didn't change was the fact that there was still a wall that kept him away from his... girlfriend.

His girlfriend... Did she count as his girlfriend yet? They haven't even made it official last year, so he guesses, no? Nonetheless, it was clear as the skies above to him that they were no longer only friends. They were something more.

The moment they had gotten back to Little Whinging, they did not waste a single breath but to meet each other again at the very playground that had led them up to where they were now. It was nice, spending time with each other, alone without anyone bothering them... or so he thought no one was about to bother them anyway until a few weeks ago where their rendezvous became scarce and before he knew it, it came to a halt as she told him how her adoptive parents were now monitoring her every move up until competition day.

It was miserable not having to see her much anymore. The only thing that kept them sane was the letters that she seemingly sent hushly, fearing that if her parents were to know about them, something might happen.

Dear Harry,

How are you doing? Probably fairing better than I am since you're now at the Weasleys, huh? Merlin, I wish I was there now because all I want to do recently is just sleep and offing myself if I could.

Yesterday I had a bit of a back pain when performing with ribbons and they still expected me to go on with the practice? It was practically killing me, but I'm glad Hugo was able to convince them to give me a day off.

This is hellish, you know? I want to stop doing this. This isn't fun anymore, and quite frankly whenever I bend my body, my body stretches so much that it hurts my muscle. But whenever I were to tell them that, they would only shrug it off and tell me to suck it up.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now