Prologue - Problems that I can't explain

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My eyes are wide open, tears threatening to leak down my cheeks as I yelled, “Why doesn’t the world accept me? Why DON’T they accept me? Is it my obsession, depression or my true self that they despise?”

A ghost crawling onto my back, caressing me with nothing but gentle motions, as she tried to explain, “Who is that true self you are speaking of? Is it the façade you want them to see, or is it the comfortable you as you talked to them, knowing that you trust them, but you don’t know if they accepted you.”

Pathetic, throwing questions back to me like I’m her disciple wanting to search answers in riddles that my mind can’t comprehend.

She hears my thoughts but still continues, “Or is it the mistakes you thought oh so life-changing and ugly that they’ll hate you?” She smirks, knowing that her words are strangling my neck as I was forced to wonder, “Why!?”

My insanity clouding my head as I want to end it all, too weak to fight, too weak to breathe, too weak to do anything.

“You are the one who been here by yourself from life, the others that you may be speaking of never know, never knew how you thought, so let’s start from the beginning-“

Her words whispering into my ears, the depression and misery that I have felt is disappearing, wanting to know from the beginning,

“Who am I truly am?”

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