Lights,Santa on a roof top, Sleigh with reindeers...wait SANTA ON THE ROOF!

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You sit in one of the dark blue leather booth picking at the weathered cracks and cigarette burn marks anxiously. You glance up every now and then not feeling as if you didn't belong in the almost full or two family who "burned the turkey" sat in the dinner eating and making small talk and the overly loud business man. Your posture straightened up like a kid getty to get out of their seat to go to the bathroom and a smile replaced the frown you had on your face as footsteps approached your seat only for it to be Judy the waitress. Your workaholic father told you to meet him at the Dennys and he'd be there to have dinner but it had been 3 hours since you arrived it's clear to you now his not coming.....

" about you call it a day and I'll take you home when my shift is over?" Judy said a look of pity on her face as she replaces the cold pie with a hot one.

"You should eat I'll sit with you for a bit-" Judy began to say but was interrupted by another family coming in. A boy and his father stand at the door Judy walks up to them with a tired stride.

"Are you with Hatsutashi?" Judy says hoping there wasn't anymore party goers..

"No!" The dad replied quickly.

"Dad burnt the turkey." The kid said with a look that said "Not surprise but disappointed".

"Oh, yeah...This way." Judy says then she began then stopped and looked back to see they were still standing where they came in..

"Come on." She beckon them over to a table right in front of you. "Right over there." She pointed to a table next to the conter as she got their menus they get seated.

"Thank you." The dad quickly said..

"Here we go." She handed them the menus while they dad looked around at the other family's.

"Burn the turkey?" He said to one of the other dad with a bandage around his had and waved and smiled.

"Coffee?" Judy asked. "No, thank you, Judy." The father said as she waited to write down their orders..

"What do you say we start out with cold glasses... of delicious seasonal favourite eggnog?" The dad suggested as he picked up the advertisement and showed it to Judy then put it back in it's place.

"I don't like eggnog." Charlie piped in and judy said "We're out."

"Coffee." The dad said.

"Decaf." Judy asked as she wrote and the dad replied with a quick Mm-hmm.

"I'll have chocolate milk, please." Charlie asked. "We're out." Judy replied.

"Plain milk's fine." Charlie said with clear disappointment. "Okay." Judy said and with that she was off to put in the order.

"At least we know they got hot apple pie." The dad lend over and told the kid. "We did." Judy replied as she was walking away.

"Mm-hmm! This is nice." The dad said awkwardly smiling at his kid. You couldn't help but cringe at this interaction. The kid met eyes with you and you smiled politely at the kid and he smiled back.

Time skip

You sit idoly there for a couple more minutes listening to the father trying to cheer him up with corny jokes you've never heard in your life as they eat an then the boy and his father head out. You sighed heavily wishing that even though he wasn't having fun you where that boy because at least his father came....You had enough and left the dinner in a hurry aimlessly strutting down the sidewalk as you curse your father under your breath...

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