Have some manners Pt 1🍋

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Before we begin I just couldn't stop thinking about this so I'm writing it.

Y/n is a nicotine addict

Summary: You are an old student of Mrs.Claus before she was Claus persay. You didn't have the greatest attitude which really show on your record. This came to a surprise to Mrs.Claus when she saw your name on the naughty list while being coco and cookies to her husband. There a lot of miss spelling all throughout this.

"Dear I've got another round of hot chocolate just the way you like it and some chocolate chip cookies fresh out the oven." Mrs. Claus said chipperly to her husband as she came into his office that was filled with latter's from hopeful children and THE LIST. Mrs. Claus moved pass the boxes and bins effortlessly as she came to Santa's side and placed his coco and his cookies where they were in reach but not to where he'd knock them down by accident.

"Thank you dear." He hums out taking a sip of the coco his eyes never leaving the list. He gets to your name and writes a c next to it

Mrs.Claus gasped.

"How is she on the naughty list she was such a bright ball of sunshine looks and smarts wise!?" Mrs.Claus says surprised holding a had up to her mouth. Santa rised his eyebrow to her wondering what the big fuss was about. He looked at the list once again and said "ah" he was Santa so he recognized you as one of her most prized students.

"Well we can't have that now can we?" Santa said to his wife who he adored so much he was willing to pull some strings for her as he did before with her parents and his son.

[Present time]

You had just been suspended from school after having a fight with "Perfect Never had a bad hair day Brian." Who while everyone else was in love or wanted his life you wanted nothing to do with him and hated him with a burning passion. Brian had a secret "training session" (not that type of way you freak.) With one of the guys from your robotics class which hender your group project so you went to go give him a peace of your mind and oh boy did you. So there you were outside the school primus as you had got suspended and your guardian never came to pick as you had waited until 7 pm with the gym teacher who thought of Brian as his pride and joy and wanted to give your parents a mouth full about how bad mannered you were.

"You can't be serious!?" You muttered with a cigarette hanging loseliy from your lips as you tried to light it but only a flick flick flick  could be heard. When the lighter finally produces a flame and you pull it up to the cigarette only for it to be snatch away by an unknown hand.

"Hey!?" You shout looking to see who took your cigarette only for it to be your old and favorite teacher Mrs.Newman; Who by the way didn't look all too happy about the look of you as your clothing was tattered, your knuckles were bruised, and you were out side across the street from the school trying to smoke a cig.

"Oh-hello Mrs.Newman?" You say smiling sweetly and putting your hands behind your back as you straightened your posture as well. Mrs.Newman looks at you with a look painted with concern for your safety.

(Lookin something like this btw you can whatever color you want it don't matter)

(Lookin something like this btw you can whatever color you want it don't matter)

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i Bernard thinks this outfit is considered naughty list material 😏

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i Bernard thinks this outfit is considered naughty list material 😏

"If you think this is bad Mrs.Newman you should see the other guy!" You say as you noticed her looking at your bruises and clothes.

"I got a call from your father Y/n and he had told me the school call but his away on business so I came to get you instead." She said as she stuck the cigarette into her coat pocket to throw away later.

"Of course he is." You scoffed and rolled your eyes to no one in particular as you stuck your hands into your back pockets. Mrs.Newman simply sighed and gave you a soft smile.

"You know his trying that's why his working Y/n" Mrs.Newman put her hand on your back and patted it then began leading you to her car. When you get to her cerry red classical mustang your face lights up.

(I'm sorry if you don't like cars but I do this is clean af

(I'm sorry if you don't like cars but I do this is clean af

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"Wicked ride Mrs.Newman!" You said as she unlocked the door for you to hop in and she smile at you while getting in as well. She starts the car and pulls away from the sidewalk you once stood on. "Hey Mrs.Newman-" you began to speak but Mrs.Newman says "Mrs.calvin or Mrs.Claus hun."

"Mrs.Claus..weren't you and your family living abroad like my father how did you get here on such a short notice did you marry a rich man and he brought you over on his jet?" You questioned her as you checked out the leather seats. She laughs at your questions while still looking at the rode and glancing at you through then mirror.

"Well I guess you could say all of those things are true but you can't go around telling people that." She said as she felt a bit awkward lying to you.

"Who am I even gonna tell that my old teach got married to some rich man abroad and now is totally loaded?!" You shout out the window as the city passed you by.

"Y/n sit back down and put the your seat belt were going to the air port." She says tugging you back in while steering. You sit back down and looked at her with a "Are you serious?!" Look on your face. You put on your seat belt quickly and smiled kicking your feet in the air.

"Wait you're not taking me to my mothers are you?" You squinted your eyes at her skeptically. She glances at you and smiles.

"No of  course not you're coming to live with me and my husband for a while." She said clearly happy about you coming to live with her as she thought of you as her first child. When you where with her it made you think of the happy memories with your mother which put you in a child like state compared to your; cigarette pumping,party jumping, fist-ta-cup alter ego. (You're definitely on the naughty list in Bernard book no matter what reason you act the way you do.)

Word count : 1109

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