2. Broken soul-part9

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Bon: ok if that's the case then how come they involve malcolm here? And not only that chandrachur also helping Malcolm on this

Subham thought for a min..... bondita raised her eyebrow.....

But to her shock he answered that too...

Su: I know Ms.bondita that this question will arise thats why I got proof or u can say a witness with me.... your honour i would like to call the witness to the witness box....

Bondita looked at the witness in shock and so the girls and anirudh

Yes you all already know who is that it's none other than prema .....

Bon: Prema    ......

She uttered in shock while the girls looked at her amused.......

Flash back

Prema went to temple to pray for bondita when she was coming out to reach court ... she got blocked by a man.... she looked at him and tried to go the other way but again he blocked her way..... prema got angry and about to yell at him but she saw him with tears in his eyes......

Pr: who are you and why are you crying.....?

Man: am.... trilochan..... trilochan Roy choudary...... am one of the richest zamindar of Kolkata......

Prema looked at him and just then it clicked that he is none other than bondita's ksj.....

Pr: ksj ......

Ksj looked at her little angrily ....

Pr: matlab bondita's ksj.....

Ksj just turned away.....and calmed himself...

Ksj: see I came here to meet you to ask u something....

Prema smiled at him .....

Pr:I know what you are going to ask  ....u r going to ask me to give durgama prashad so that she can get her blessings right...?

She said happily but he nodded no. ...

Ksj: I came here to ask you to lie in court that malcolm and chandrachur didnt do anything especially they didnt kidnap bondita.....

Prema looked at him shocked  ....

Pr: what....?

Ksj: yes..... do u know i'd she fights this case and tell in court she is also one of the victim to get harassed by malcolm and chandrachur..... it will become a bigger issue and no one will let bondita live in peace...... she saved you ... and other girls isnt that enough.... now just to get justice to you all .... should she give away her respect and honour as well...... Arey in this village no one will let her live here .... they will kill her .....in future anyway bondita will become our bahu right... will it be good if she comes with those kind of bad image to our house......  isliye am telling you to lie in court....tell in court that no such thing happened and tell that it was all your setup where you wanted to file a case against malcolm as he didnt allow u all to continue your work there..... so u manipulated bondita and made her fight this case for you.... just to win this case with the help of sympathy and bondita's strong argument power.... and tell them that its all bondita's imaginary...... i will somehow save you from this case with my zamindar power .....

Ksj looked at prema expectantly......

Prema looked at him without blinking.... she about to deny but her innerconscience stopped her and she sinked the things ksj said.....

She remembered how bondita saved her from committing suicide ....

She nodded her head slowly in yes.... and ksj jumped in happiness

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